
  • 网络populus davidiana;Aspen Grove
  1. 森林&草原交错带白桦林和山杨林植物多样性研究

    Study on plant diversity of Betula platyphylla and Populus davidiana forests in forest steppe ecotone

  2. 对雾灵山自然保护区的山杨林进行了研究。

    The researches on Populus davidiana forest were carried out in Wuling Mountain Natural Reserve .

  3. 黄土高原天然山杨林地产流产沙研究

    Study on Sediment and Yield Runoff of Nature Mountain Populus Woodland in Loess Plateau

  4. 陕北黄土高原山杨林的类型和演替

    The Type and Succession of the Populus Davidiana Forest on Woodland of Loess Plateau in North Shaanxi Province

  5. 黄土丘陵区油松人工林和山杨林林冠对降水的再分配及其对土壤水分的影响

    Redistribution of precipitation by canopies of artificial Chinese pines and mountain poplars and its influence on soil moisture in Loess Hilly Region

  6. 青杆林和山杨林下植物叶结构特征及其与叶干重的关系

    The Comparison of Leaf Structure of Plants in Spruce Forest and Poplar Forest and the Relationship Between Leaf Structure and Leaf Dry Weight

  7. 本文研究了油松和山杨林枯枝落叶层对径流速度的影响,结果表明,它与坡度、径流深度成正比,与枯枝落叶厚度成反比。

    It is found by study on the runoff velocity in the layer of litter , that the runoff velocity was increasing with slope steepness and depth of runoff and was decreasing with increasing the thickness of litter .

  8. 结果表明,人工林与天然演替森林山杨林与白桦林均具有较丰富的物种组成,为62种左右,而天然顶极森林辽东栎林的物种数量则相对较少,为48种。

    The results indicated that both the plantations and the forests of natural succession ( the P.davidiana and B.platyphylla forests ) were diverse in species consisting of about 62 species and the natural climax forest ( Q.liaotungensis ) was less diverse in species consisting of 48 species .

  9. 不同群落细根现存量月动态变化也有较大差异,月均最高最低相差阔叶红松林约为72%、白桦林近73%、山杨林26%、云冷杉林56%、岳桦林144%。

    The difference between highest and lowest monthly mean values is about 72 % in Broad-leaved Korean Pine forest , 73 % in Asian white birch forest , 26 % in David poplar forest , 56 % in Spruce-fir forest , and 144 % in Ermans Birch forest .