
  • 网络May;Hawthorn;Crown of Thorns
  1. 山楂花腐病的研究&Ⅲ.山楂花腐病的流行条件

    On hawthorn blossom blight ⅲ . the epidemical conditions

  2. 山楂花腐病的流行与温度关系较小。但温度可影响山楂物候期的早与晚。

    As to the hawthorn blossom blight epidemics , the temperature was , however a minor factor .

  3. 山楂花正白四月里鲜花怒放。

    It 's April , and blossom time , and white is the may ;

  4. 山楂花腐病是我国山楂生产上的一种新病害。(2)灰葡萄孢菌是在花腐病的中后期腐生上去的,应该不是引起花穗腐烂的关键性致病病原菌。

    Botrytis cinerea came into being in the middle and later periods of the disease , so it might not be the key pathogen causing the rotten disease .

  5. 棕榈树和山楂花把乡村房舍点缀得喜气洋洋,小羔羊活蹦欢跳,牧羊人整日价笛声袅袅,我们时时斯到鸟儿唱起快乐的曲调,咕咕,喳一喳,卜一威,嘟一威嗒一喔!

    The palm ( 5 ) and may ( 6 ) make country houses gay , Lambs frisk ' and play , the shepherds pipe all day , And we hear aye birds tune this merry lay , ( 7 ) Cuckoo , jug-jug ' pu , we , to-witta-woo !

  6. 山楂原花色素的抗氧化作用研究

    Antioxidant effects of Proanthocyanidins from the fruits of Hawthorn

  7. 来试试看我们的瘦身系列!里面包括了荷叶,山楂和洛神花;

    You should try our Slimming Series , where the combination of Hindu Lotus , Roselle and Hawthorn Fruit gives you a light sour but nice finishing taste .