
shān yánɡ máo
  • Goat hair;cashmere
  1. 随毛纤维产量增加,毛纤维长度和细度发生变化(P<0.05);绒山羊毛纤维总重、绒毛长度和细度不受日粮蛋白质水平影响,山羊绒生长不同于马海毛。

    However , total fleece weight , down yield , cashmere fiber length and diameter were not affected ( P > 0.05 ) by diet CP level for cashmere goats .

  2. 辽宁绒山羊毛囊发育的研究

    Study on Development of Skin Follicle in the Liaoning Cashmere Goat

  3. 山羊毛纤维的鳞片层结构研究

    Study on the Microstructure of Epidermal Scale of Goat Wool Fibre

  4. 山羊毛霉菌病临床与病理学观察

    Observations of the clinical and pathological manifestations of mucormycosis in goats

  5. 它由山羊毛或黄鼠狼毛制成。

    It is made of goat 's or weasel 's hair .

  6. 内蒙古阿尔巴斯绒山羊毛囊结构特征分析

    Analysis on the Hair Follicle Structure of Inner Mongolian ARBAS Cashmere Goat

  7. 高比例山羊毛地毯和衬布的开发研制

    Development of High Percentage Goat Hair in Manufacturing of Carpet and Lining

  8. 宁夏蓖麻蚕丝与中卫山羊毛混纺纱产品的工艺研究

    Studies on technology of Ningxia castor silk / zhongwei goot hair blended yarn

  9. 深入地研究了山羊毛的卷曲定型方法。

    This paper deals with a method of stabihzing Crimp of goat hair .

  10. 马海毛或克什米尔山羊毛编结的地毯料

    Knotted carpeting of mohair or Kashmir goat hair

  11. 她把山羊毛纺成毛线。

    She spins goat 's hair into wool / spins wool from goat 's hair .

  12. 山羊毛还能制成羊毛衫及羊毛毯。

    Also , the hair from goats can be made into wool for clothing and blankets .

  13. 又用山羊毛做了布幔,作帐棚顶用,共做了十一幅布幔。

    He made also eleven curtains of goats'hair , to cover the roof of the tabernacle .

  14. 紫色、红色、朱红色的毛线,细麻和山羊毛。

    Violet and purple , and scarlet twice dyed , and fine linen , and goats'hair .

  15. 凡有智慧心里受感的妇女就纺山羊毛。

    And all the women who were willing and had the skill spun the goat hair .

  16. 本文主要研究宁夏蓖麻蚕丝与中卫山羊毛混纺纱产品的工艺技术问题。

    The technology of Ningxia castor silk / zhongwei goat hair blended yarn was mainly studied in this paper .

  17. 本文采用形态学方法和组织形态学方法,分别对中卫山羊毛和安哥拉山羊毛进行分类及品质分析。

    Morphological and histomorpholgical methods were applied to classification and quality analysis of Zhongwei goat wool and Angora wool , respectively .

  18. 安哥拉纤维来自兔子,安哥拉山羊生产的是安哥拉山羊毛,安哥拉山羊毛可用来制作衣服、地毯等产品。

    Angora fiber comes from rabbits . Angora goats produce mohair . Mohair is used to make clothing , carpets and other products .

  19. 阿拉伯长袍:通常由阿拉伯人穿的由驼毛或山羊毛织物织成的宽大无袖的长袍。吉达(沙特阿拉伯)

    " aba : a loose-fitting sleeveless garment made of this fabric , traditionally worn by arabs . " Jedda ( Saudi Arabia )

  20. 至于头发,娜塔莉买了四种颜色的安哥拉山羊毛,混合搭配出了像乔治小王子一样的金发。

    When it came to the hair , Natalie bought four different colours of Angora goat hair to get mimic Prince George 's blonde tones .

  21. 初步研究确定了山羊毛水解液中多种氨基酸含量的化学分析路线及其相应的分析方法。

    After preliminary study this paper confirms the chemical analysis route and the relevant analysis method of the amino acids content in hydrolytic solution of goatwool .

  22. 通过完善“特种动物粗毛卷曲机”,使山羊毛产生永久性卷曲。

    We improve Some function of " the special animal hair Crimp machine " to heighten Crimp durability and stop the dissappearing of Crimp during Spinning process .

  23. 刺槐,毛洋槐豆科植物的一种,如毛洋槐她把山羊毛纺成毛线。

    Any of several other leguminous plants , such as the rose acacia . She spins goat 's hair into wool [ spins wool from goat 's hair ] .

  24. 马海毛指的是用安哥拉山羊毛织成的仿丝织物或纱线,是本季最热门的女士毛衣面料之一。

    Mohair refers to a silk-like fabric or yarn made from the hair of the Angora goat . It 's one of the most trendy materials for women 's sweaters this season .

  25. 结果说明,中卫山羊毛和安哥拉山羊毛(马海毛)品质相似,可作为高档毛纺织原料。

    It is obvious that the quality of the Zhong-wei goat wool is the same as that of the mohair and can be used as a high quality raw material for textile industry .

  26. 虽然我有山羊毛,但我根本不知道怎样纺织,即使知道,这里也没有纺织工具。

    I had goats hair , but neither knew I how to weave it , or spin it ; and had I known how , here was no tools to work it with ;

  27. 现年44岁的娜塔莉·劳伦斯从德国订购了洋娃娃的身体部分,材质为硅胶。之后,她花了两个月的时间,十分仔细地画出了乔治小王子的面部,还用安哥拉山羊毛给洋娃娃缝了一头金发。

    Natalie Lawrence , 44 , ordered the doll 's silicone body from Germany before she spent more than two months painstakingly painting on George 's face and sewing on his golden locks with Angora goat hair 。

  28. 在培养过程中,绵羊毛囊的日平均生长速度明显高于绒山羊毛囊的生长速度,但各自在前3天的生长均能保持相对稳定的水平,并与体内毛囊的生长速度接近。

    The daily average growth speed of the hair follicles in sheep are obviously faster than those of cashmeres . But the steady level could be maintained at the first 3 days , and the speed was similar to that in the body .

  29. 用计算机快速检测山羊绒与羊毛混纺比

    Study on quickly test of blend ratio of cashmere and wool with computer

  30. 采用激光显微拉曼光谱仪研究山羊绒、羊毛纤维的结构

    Study on structures of cashmere and wool fibers by confocal laser raman microscopy