
  • 网络wild ginseng;Wild-Simulated Ginseng;Panax Ginseng C.A meyer
  1. 山参果汁总皂苷对大鼠离体心脏血流动力学的影响

    Effects of wild ginseng fruit saponins on hemodynamics in isolated rat hearts

  2. 有关野山参质量标准的讨论

    Discussion on the Quality Degree Standard of Wild Ginseng

  3. 野山参微量DNA提取方法的研究

    The Extraction of DNA from Milligram Amounts of Wild Mountain Ginseng Tissues

  4. 目的:为了从珍贵药材野山参的少量根须提取DNA,同时尽量保持野山参形态的完整,特研究本方法。

    Objective : To keep wild mountain ginseng , a rare medicinal remedy , as intact as possible when extracting DNA from it , a new way to extract DNA has been explored .

  5. 目的:探讨山参果汁总皂苷(WGFS)对大鼠离体工作心脏血流动力学的影响。

    Objective To explore the effects of wild ginseng fruit saponins ( WGFS ) on hemodynamics in isolated rat hearts .

  6. 目的:探索山参类药材的种类与鉴别方法。

    Objective : to identify Chinese wild ginsengs and their characteristics .

  7. 野生抚育山参内生真菌的鉴定。

    Identification of endophytic fungi of wild tending ginseng .

  8. 花旗山参、进口西洋参与吉林西洋参中农药残留分析

    Pesticide residue of Wild American Ginseng , Imported American Ginseng and Jilin American Ginseng

  9. 野山参与移山参、栽培参的鉴定技术研究

    A study on the confirmation technique of wild shen , transplanted shen and cultivated shen

  10. 复方牛山参口服液镇痛抗炎作用药化试验研究

    Pharmacological Chemistry Test Study on Analgesic and Anti-inflammatory Effects of Compound Wild Ginseng Oral Liquid

  11. 因此生长年限足够长的林下参,在药理作用上与野山参基本一致。

    So Radix ginseng silvestris long enough growth years is almost the same as wild ginseng in pharmacologic actions .

  12. 用野生抚育山参内生真菌发酵液对黄芪、小白菜、水萝卜种子进行处理,进行发芽试验。

    The fermentation broth of the endophytic fungi , astragalus , Chinese cabbage , radish seeds , the germination test .

  13. 近年来,由于森林资源的破坏和人类过度采挖,造成野生山参资源濒临枯竭。

    In recent years , due to the destruction of forest resources and human over-excavation , resulting in the wild ginseng resource verge of extinction .

  14. 野生抚育山参无污染,生长年限长,品质高于普通园参,经济价值较高。

    Wild tending ginseng is pollution-free and long service life and growth , the quality is higher than the ordinary garden ginseng and have high economic value .

  15. 结果:野山参与园参由于生长条件及年限不同,其组织形态也有一定的差异,这些区别具有一定的代表性,可作为野山参及园参鉴别之用。

    RESULTS : There are some differences in tissue of wild ginseng and planted ginseng , and that can be used to identify wild ginseng and planted ginseng .

  16. 通过对野山参的资源、商品种质构成,以及相关生药学研究和质量标准等情况的分析,认为野山参为国家濒危保护物种,应严格限制使用直至禁用,建议《中国药典》[1]作相应修订。

    By analyzing the resource , merchant classifications , relevant quality and the pharmacognosy situation , the authors suggested wild Ginseng be regarded as protection species in severe danger , and the use be strictly restricted , even forbidden .