
  1. 山东抗日根据地的社会保障工作评述

    Comment on the Social Security Measures in Shandong Anti-Japanese Base Area

  2. 试论山东抗日根据地的创建及其历史作用

    On the Establishment and Action of Shandong Anti-Japanese Base Area

  3. 山东抗日根据地的文化建设与民族精神教育

    The Education on Culture Construction and National Spirit in Anti-Japanese Base Area of Shandong

  4. 简论山东抗日根据地党政干部的史学教育玩忽职守是我们党政机关干部的大忌。

    A Brief Research on the History Education for the Party and Government Cadres in the Shandong Anti-Japanese Base Areas ;

  5. 充分调动了广大农民群众的生产积极性和参加革命的热情,壮大了抗日力量,促进了山东抗日根据地的发展和壮大。

    Fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the broad masses of peasants to the production and the participation in the revolution , expand the anti-Japanese forces . Promote the development and growth of the anti-Japanese bases in Shandong .

  6. 山东抗日根据地和解放区的妇女教育,经历了在抗战烽火中的萌动到山东省战时工作委员会有组织的统一行动,再到教育大改革的迅速发展壮大三个阶段。

    Women 's education in anti-Japanese bases and liberated areas in Shandong underwent the three stages of initiation , the united action under the provincial committee for wartime work , and the rapid progress of the great educational reform .

  7. 我们到山西、河北、山东以及其他抗日根据地的同志,一定要注意这个问题。

    Our comrades going to the anti-Japanese base areas in Shansi , Hopei , Shantung and other provinces must pay attention to this .