
  • 网络fuzhou national forest park
  1. 福州国家森林公园创建5A级旅游景区的对策与思考

    Countermeasures and thoughts of constructing 5A tourist attraction for Fuzhou National Forest Park

  2. 福州国家森林公园是国家十大示范国家级森林公园之一,是福州唯一的4A景区。

    Fuzhou National Forest Park is one often top parks of china . It is the only 4A scenery spot in Fuzhou .

  3. 文中按照旅游景区的划分与评定标准,提出福州国家森林公园创建5A级旅游景区的对策与思路。

    According to the standard of rating for quality of tourist attractions , the countermeasures and thoughts of constructing 5A tourist attraction for Fuzhou National Forest Park are put forward in this article .

  4. 福州国家森林公园旅游气候资源评价研究

    The Appraise Of Tourism Climate Resource In Fuzhou National Forest Park

  5. 福州国家森林公园森林景观游憩效益评价

    Estimating Recreation Benefit of Forest Landscape of Fuzhou National Forest Park

  6. 福州国家森林公园生态休闲旅游的思考

    Thinkings about the Ecology and Relaxation Tours of Fuzhou National Forest Park

  7. 福州国家森林公园蝶类资源的研究

    On the Resources of Butterflies in Fuzhou National Forest Park

  8. 福州国家森林公园的客源市场分析

    Analysis on the tourist market of Fuzhou National Forest Park

  9. 福州国家森林公园植物迁地护存的研究

    Research on Ex Situ Bionics Conservation of Plants in Fuzhou National Forestry Park

  10. 福州国家森林公园游客旅游偏好调查与分析

    Investigate and Analysis about Tourist Preference of National Forest Park in Fuzhou Area

  11. 福州国家森林公园人工群落结构与物种多样性

    Community Structure and Species Bio-diversity of Man-made Communities in National Forest Park of Fuzhou

  12. 福州国家森林公园游客游览状况与其心理健康的关系

    Relationship between Visitors ' Tour and State of Mental Health in Fuzhou National Forest Park

  13. 福州国家森林公园生态效益与自然环境旅游适宜性评价研究

    Studies on Ecological Benefits Evaluation and Tourism Suitability Assessment of Natural Environment in Fuzhou National Forest Park

  14. 运用生态足迹理论与方法,对福州国家森林公园森林景观资源的旅游生态经济效率进行测算。

    Refered to ecological footprint theory , the study calculated the touristic eco-efficiency at Fuzhou national forest park .

  15. 生态旅游景区游客满意度调查研究&以福州国家森林公园为例

    A Survey on the Tourists Satisfaction of the Ecotourism Sites & A Case Study on Fuzhou National Forest Park

  16. 第四部分是福州国家森林公园的景观资源、客源市场和生态环境效益的调查分析。

    Part IV analyses the forest landscape resource ? , the tourist-resource marked the ecological and environmental benefits of Fuzhou National Forest Park .

  17. 森林公园中阔叶林的绿量最高,其次是针阔混交林,木荷林对福州国家森林公园绿量贡献最大。

    The Greenland amount of latifoliate forest is in the majority , and the next is the forest type mixed by broadleaf and conifer .

  18. 采用场地分析与公众参与相结合的方法,在全面调查和分析福州国家森林公园现状的基础上,以福州国家森林为实例进行了景观规划的研究。

    With combining site analysis and public participation , a comprehensive investigations and analysis is taken on the actuality of Fuzhou National Forest Park .

  19. 采用场地分析和公众参与的方法,对森林公园的风景资源、生态环境效益以及游客对景观规划的意见做了调查和研究,从而认清了福州国家森林公园的景观开发现状与现存问题。

    By adopting site analysis and public participation , it gives a practical study on landscape resource - , ecological and environmental benefits and the idea about landscape planning of Fuzhou National Forest Park , a clear knowledge of its present state and problems existing .

  20. 福州旗山国家森林公园的开发与保护

    Development and Protection of Qishan National Forest Park of Fuzhou