
  • 网络Fujian Provincial Government
  1. 衷心希望本文对福建省政府部门从区域经济一体化的角度构建海峡西岸经济区物流产业发展的政策体系具有一定的参考价值。

    I sincerely hope this paper may be helpful in the aspect of reference for Fujian Provincial Government to establish the policy system from the point of view of regional economic integration .

  2. 福建省政府及有关部门已看到发展集成电路产业的重要性和必要性。

    Fujian Government and the departments concerned have gained awareness of the importance and necessity of the ICI development .

  3. 抗战时期,福建省政府将福州、晋江等地的台湾籍民迁居至崇安县。

    Anti-Japanese war broke out , Fujian government was determined to transferred registered taiwanese in Fujian province to Chongan county .

  4. 构建以非公有制为主导,多种经济成分并存的格局。强调了福建省政府全面统筹和协调全省体育产业发展的效力。

    Finally , the paper analyzes the existing problems and countermeasures in the development of the sports industry in Fujian province .

  5. 政府认证:国宾大红袍的包装上都有福建省政府的官方戳记,产地不会有问题。

    Certified : The State Guest Da Hung Pao packaging bears an official seal from the Fujian municipal government verifying its origin .

  6. 2004年.福建省政府提出建设海峡西岸经济区的宏伟构想。

    In 2004 , the government of Fujian Province brings forward the magnificent idea about building Economic Zone on the Western Coast of the Straits .

  7. 今春在政府指示的人员调动中,中海油董事长傅成玉调任中石化董事长,而中石化总经理苏树林被提拔至福建省政府高层。

    In a state-directed reshuffle this spring , Fu Chengyu , CNOOC chairman , was appointed chairman of Sinopec , while Su Shulin , Sinopec president , was promoted to a political role in Fujian Province .

  8. 1987年九龙漈被福建省人民政府列为首批省级风景名胜区。

    In1987 , it was listed as the provincial scenery area by Fujian government .

  9. 福建省人民政府办公厅印发关于为福建省企业“走出去”提供便利化服务的工作意见的通知

    Circular of the General Office of Fujian Provincial People 's Government , Issuing the Ideas on Facilitating Enterprises of Fujian for Implementing the " Go-global " Strategy

  10. 因此,如何营造一个适宜企业生存和发展的经济软环境,加速工业化、现代化进程,成为了摆在福建省各级政府面前的一个急待解决的关键问题。

    Therefore , how to construct a soft economic environment which is easier for enterprises to exist and develop , accelerate the process of Fujian industrialization and modernization , becomes a key issue which faces all levels government of Fujian Province and needs the solution at once .

  11. 2002年福建省委、省政府作出了建设生态省的战略决策,这是全面提升福建经济综合竞争力的重大举措。

    In 2002 , Fujian provincial government made out a strategy of constructing ecological province , which was an important policy that completely promoted the competition ability of Fujian economy .

  12. 特别是随着国民经济的快速发展,福建省的各级政府的正常关心指导下,花卉经济在福建的国民经济和地区经济中发挥的作用日益显著。

    Especially with the rapid development of the national economy , under the guidance of government , economy of industry of flowers play an important role in Fujian national economy and region economy .

  13. 最后结合研究结论,有针对性地提出了缓解福建省行业收入差距的措施,为福建省政府及有关部门提供科学的参考依据。

    The present stage of the income gap in Fujian province has obstacle function on the economic growth in the long run . Finally , we pertinently put forward some measures to ease the income gap of Fujian industry , and provide scientific references for provincial government and relevant departments .

  14. 长汀县是福建省水土流失最严重的区域,2000年以长汀县为重点的水土流失综合治理被列为福建省委省政府为民办实事项目,并已连续几年实施重点治理。

    Changting county is the region in Fujian Province which most seriously affected by soil and water loss .