
  1. 福建高速公路软土特征及处理方法

    Characteristics of Soft Subsoil along Expressway of Fujian and Methods for Its Treatment

  2. 福建高速公路生物护坡草坪的建植与养护

    Establishment and maintenance of slope turf as bio-protection along expressway in Fujian , China

  3. 通过对福建高速公路隧道实际情况的分析,对福建高速公路隧道监控系统的总体功能需求以及各子系统的功能需求进行了详细的划分与描述。

    Fujian Expressway Tunnel Through the analysis of the actual situation , the tunnel control system for Fujian overall functional requirements and functional requirements of each subsystem in detail the classification and description .

  4. 福建省高速公路边坡绿化用藤本植物选择体系的研究

    Study on the Selected System of Liana Applied to Expressway Side Slope in Fujian , China

  5. 福建山区高速公路边坡工程与锚固技术

    Slope Engineering and Related Anchoring Techniques of Construction of Expressways in Mountainous Areas of Fujian Provence

  6. 结合福建省高速公路沥青混凝土路面养护工程实践,对坑槽热料修补设备从养护工程质量和养护成本的角度进行了合理的分析。

    According to the maintain engineering practice on the highway asphalt concrete pavement in Fu-jian province , maintain quality and cost are taken into account .

  7. 本文采用多种方法对2020年福建省高速公路规模进行预测,并提出高速公路布局优化的原则、目标、思路及方案。

    The paper used a variety of methods to predict the scale of expressway in 2020 , and proposed the objectives , ideas and programs in optimization of expressway layout .

  8. 通过对福建某高速公路高液限土较为详细的室内试验和现场填筑试验,证明采用合理的施工工艺与质量控制措施,高液限土是可以用于高速公路路基填筑的。

    Through so detailed room test and scene test at Fujian freeway , authors proved that high liquid limit soil can be utilized as freeway subgrade construction staff while implementing rational construction and quality control .

  9. 同时,分析了浦南模式在实施过程中存在的一些问题,通过专家访谈法,对浦南模式进行了改进,构建了一套福建省高速公路项目代建制的实施模式。

    The problems in the practice are analyzed at the same time . Based on further research results from expert interview , the Punan-model has been modified to build up a practical Agent System model for Fujian highway projects .

  10. 福建省山区高速公路工程施工控制网设计方案研究

    Design Scheme of Mountain Highway Construction Control Network in Fujian Province

  11. 福建漳诏高速公路超厚淤泥土地基处理技术

    Super Thick Muddy Ground Treatment for Zhang ~ Zhao Freeway in Fujian

  12. 对福建省351种藤本植物构建适于福建省高速公路边坡绿化使用的层次分析法的选择体系,并用此法筛选出适用的藤本植物。

    This paper constructed the selected system of liana applied to expressway side slope in Fujian province by use of analytic hierarchy process . There were some appropriate liana selected by this way from 351 liana species in Fujian .