
  • 网络mazu culture
  1. 妈祖文化的精神内核和海峡西岸经济区建设

    Mazu Culture and the Construction of West Channel Economic Zone

  2. 妈祖文化是福建重要的人文旅游资源。

    Mazu culture is a particular humane tourism resource in Fujian Province .

  3. 全球眼界下妈祖文化旅游发展新思路

    New Thoughts of Mazu Cultural Tourism Development on the View of the World

  4. 福建沿海城市建设妈祖文化体育圈的思考

    About the Feasibility of Constructing " Mazu Sports Circle " in Fujian Costal Cities

  5. 妈祖文化与嘉兴海运业的发展

    Mazu Culture and the Development of Jiaxing Marine

  6. 妈祖文化在福建旅游业中的价值

    Value of Mazu Culture in Fujian Tourism

  7. 区域旅游发展理论视角下的妈祖文化旅游资源开发研究

    Research on the Development of Mazu Culture Tourist Resources in view of Region Tourism Development Theory

  8. 着重在历史演进和目前妈祖文化发展的论点。

    And I pay more attention in analysing the development of historical gradual progress and Mazu 's culture .

  9. 第四章以妈祖文化的角色与功能来深化两岸发展的关系。现代社会是一个快速发展的社会,而社会的发展是全方位、整体性的发展。

    Chapter four deepen the relations of two sides with the role and Function of Mazu 's culture .

  10. 结语总结了大连地区妈祖文化,对全文内容加以升华。

    The Conclusion Summarizes the Mazu culture in Dalian area , the contents of the text to be sublimated .

  11. 妈祖文化在我国沿海地区已经诞生了一千多年了。

    Ma Zu culture has been going around the coastal areas in China for more than one thousand years .

  12. 生命意识、自然意识、道德意识是妈祖文化中人文关怀取向的重要内涵。

    Life consciousness , nature consciousness and morals consciousness are important connotations of the humanities concern orientation in Mazu Culture .

  13. 本论文首先是以文献的回顾,来进行妈祖文化发展的探讨如何?

    From retrospect of the document first , this thesis carry on the discussion of Mazu 's cultural orbit of development .

  14. 莆台妈祖文化旅游交往30年回顾与发展思路

    The 30 Years , Review and Development of New Ideas to the Traveling Contact of Mazu Culture between Putian and Taiwan

  15. 本文拟从地理学角度来研究妈祖文化,探讨她的形成、发展与地理环境的关系。

    This thesis will review the Matsv culture from the geographical view and inquire its form , develop and relations with geography .

  16. 青岛天后宫既是妈祖文化的主要载体,也是青岛重要的城市文化资源。

    Qingdao Tianhou Temple is the major carrier of the A-ma culture of Qingdao as well as the important resources of urban culture .

  17. 这些史料对于妈祖文化及其相关领域的学术研究都具有参考价值。

    These historical data for the culture of the Goddess Mazu as well as the relevant academic research are of great value for reference .

  18. 妈祖文化的资料搜集、整理和编纂工作与妈祖文化研究的发展相比较而言是滞后的。

    Compared to the development of Ma Zu culture it research , the work of material collection , arrangement , compilation are fall behind .

  19. 我们应从全部历史之客观方面来揭开妈祖文化的真面目,这是本章的重点。

    We should reveal the true features of Mazu 's culture from the objective Respect of history , This is a focal point of this chapter .

  20. 本文拟在旅游产品生命周期理论的基础上分析研究妈祖文化旅游资源的开发问题。

    Based on analysis of tourism product life cycle , the author studies on the development of the tourism resource of Mazu case of Meizhou Island .

  21. 笔者提出了应充分利用妈祖文化,科学有效的发展策略来保护和促进闽台民俗体育的发展研究。

    The author Mazu cultural , scientific and effective development strategy should be fully utilized to protect and promote the study of the development of the folk sports .

  22. 从文脉传承关系角度,提出对比干文化与妈祖文化深入研究的必要性。

    This paper points out the necessity to investigate Bigan Culture and Mazu Culture in the view of their context which has never been noticed in academic circle .

  23. 并且,再藉各种宗教文化发展模式来分析妈祖文化应循之发展方向。

    At the same time , rely on the different mode of cultural development of the religion , I try my best to discover the cultural trend of Mazu .

  24. 妈祖文化是随着历史演变而表现的一种生活方式,在中国以往全部历史过程中,除却历史无从谈文化。

    Mazu 's culture is a kind of life style displayed with historical development , In the history of china , removing history , we have no way of discussing culture .

  25. 妈祖文化的挖掘和传播对于促进祖国和平统一、促进世界和平与文化交流、促进当地经济发展具有巨大的推动作用。

    Developing and propagating of Mazu culture will facilitate our country 's peace and reunion , promote the world peace and culture communication and stimulate the local economic development as well .

  26. 为弘扬妈祖文化,宜修复天后宫等古迹,为发展嘉兴临港型经济和旅游业服务。

    In order to develop Mazu Culture , some historic sites , such as the Queen of Heaven Palace , should be restored to serve the port economy and tourism of Jiaxing .

  27. 在探讨妈祖文化在福建旅游业中重要价值的基础上,提出发展妈祖文化旅游应注意的一些问题。

    On the basis of the important value of Mazu culture in Fujian tourism , the paper puts forward the suggestion that attention should be paid to the development of Mazu cultural tour .

  28. 其中的每个小景区任务都有相应的规则,必须按照设定好的规则去完成,用虚拟景区中体验来体会妈祖文化的精髓是最合适不过了。

    Every little game of the task has a corresponding rules according to set rules , to complete the game , it is the most appropriate to experience the marrow of Mazu culture .

  29. 随着妈祖文化旅游的发展、旅游者的介入、旅游企业的策划和包装,莆田妈祖民俗文化的表述逐渐出现商品化的倾向。

    With the development of Mazu s cultural tour , tourists involvement , planning and packaging of the tourist enterprise , the statement of modern goods appears gradually in the Mazu s folk culture .

  30. 同时以精彩的歌舞、快板及莆仙戏精萃片断等文艺节目,演绎妈祖文化这一永恒主题。

    In addition , a series of literature and art programs , including wonderful songs and dances , patters as well as quintessential segments of Puxianxi , show the eternal theme of Mazu Culture .