
  • 网络Mazu belief
  1. 上海妈祖信仰的传入兴盛与福建人群体紧密相关。

    The Mazu belief in Shanghai is closely related with Fujianese .

  2. 妈祖信仰中的民间美术及其功能

    On the Folk Art of Mazu Belief and Its Function

  3. 台湾妈祖信仰起源新探

    Another Probe into the Origin of Belief in Mazu in Taiwan

  4. 从宋代诗词看早期妈祖信仰

    Research on Early Belief in Mazu from Song 's Poems

  5. 妈祖信仰在粤琼地区的传播及影响

    The Circulation and Impact of the Mazu-worship in Guangdong and Hainan Area

  6. 略论闽北的妈祖信仰

    A Brief Study of Belief in Mazu in Northen Fujian

  7. 海南岛冼夫人崇拜与妈祖信仰比较研究

    Comparative Study of Worship Between Madam Xian and Mazu in Hainan Island

  8. 闽西客家地区的妈祖信仰

    Mazu Belief in Hakkas Region of West Fujian Province

  9. 新时期莆田妈祖信仰的现状与特点探析

    The Present Situation and Characteristics of Mazu-belief in Putian

  10. 妈祖信仰是中国一种古老的民间信仰。

    The belief of Mazu is a kind of ancient folks in China .

  11. 妈祖信仰的发展、传播及融合&以中国、琉球、日本为中心

    The Development , Spreading and Integration of Mazu Belief

  12. 妈祖信仰与中国古代传统文化有着很深的渊源。

    There is an old origin between Ma-Zu belief and Chinese traditional culture .

  13. 浅谈明代行人的妈祖信仰

    A Brief Discussion of Xingren 's Faith in Goddess Mazu in Ming Dynasty

  14. 妈祖信仰分布的地理特征分析

    On the Geographical Distribution Characteristics of Mazu Belief

  15. 这样我们便会对妈祖信仰词语得出一个总体的认识。

    In this way we will get an overall understanding of vocabulary about Mazu belief .

  16. 明清时期闽台自然灾害对妈祖信仰的影响

    The Influence of the Natural Disasters in Fujian and Taiwan during the Ming and Qing Dynasties on Mazu-Belief

  17. 福建妈祖信仰新特点也给台湾民众和社会带来了若干新的影响。

    The new characteristics of Mazu belief have brought a new influence on Taiwan people and the society .

  18. 生命短暂、人生无常、祈求幸福安康的心理期盼等角度解读妈祖信仰与中国古代传统文化的渊源关系。

    Mental expectation that the life is short and variable and so people pray for happiness and good health .

  19. 并以海洋妈祖信仰和伏季休渔制度为例,剖析其后所隐含的社会学本质。

    It takes the Mazu belief and the midsummer moratorium system as examples to reveal their implicit sociological essence .

  20. 在千年历史的传承和变异中,妈祖信仰文化的社会功能不断得以分化和演进。

    With thought years of heritage and aberrance , the social function of the Mazu belief culture evolutes and differentiates .

  21. 第四章,总结儒家文化与妈祖信仰相结合的多重价值与贡献。

    The fourth chapter sums up the pluralistic values of the combination of Confucian cultures and Mazu belief and its contributions .

  22. 妈祖信仰的形成,与佛道二教影响分不开。

    It is well-known that in the formation of Mazu belief the influences from Buddhism and Daoism play an important role .

  23. 妈祖信仰与道教文化&民间道坛之妈祖信仰相关科仪及文化形态考探

    Mazu Belief and Daoist Culture & An Investigation on the Rituals and Cultural Patterns Related to Mazu Belief in Local Altars

  24. 其态势既反映妈祖信仰扩展的历史过程,也反映了妈祖信仰与区域自然和人文环境的关系。

    Its situation reflects both the history process of expansion of Mazu Belief and its relationship with the nature and humanities environment .

  25. 笔者借鉴宗教学的概念首次以神格化为切入点来研究妈祖信仰。

    I draw on the concept of religion as a starting point for the first time to study the apotheosized the Mazu belief .

  26. 在研究方法上,一方面我们将妈祖信仰词语作为一个系统来研究其成员构成和相互关系,另一方面也较多注意了语言与文化的结合,不仅仅局限于词语本身。

    In the research methods , we pay more attention to the combination of language and culture and are not just confined to the vocabulary themselves .

  27. 由于和谐是世界各国人民的共同追求,因而妈祖信仰不仅在中国流传,而且随着华侨出国而传播到海外,为外国人民所接受。

    Since harmony is the common pursuit by the people all over the world , Mazu belief is widely spreading and accepted both at home and abroad .

  28. 河北及京津地区的妈祖信仰,随着漕粮北运自东南沿海传播而来。

    The belief in Mazu was disseminated into Chinese Hebei Province , Beijing and Tianjin from the Southeast Foreland , along with grain transported by canal or sea .

  29. 通过调查和挖掘史料,论述浙江乍浦历史上的妈祖信仰,主要有妈祖庙宇数量多、妈祖诗咏丰富以及与闽商活动关系密切等三大特色。

    The belief possesses three characteristics such as the abundant Mazu temples , rich poems in praise of Mazu and its close relation with the activities of Fujian businessmen .

  30. 妈祖信仰目前已经形成了一个覆盖中国南北及国内外的妈祖信仰文化圈。

    Belief of Mazu have formed a circle of culture which is not only spreading from south to north in China , but also all over the world now .