
  1. 莆田书院文化对文献名邦形成的历史影响

    Historical Effect of Culture of Putian College on Formation of the Famous City with Great Literatures

  2. 明末艾儒略将天主教及西学传至莆田这一文化名邦,并广交莆田知名士大夫。

    Giulio Aleni spreaded Catholicism and western learning to Putian which was an famous cultural area , and consorted together the scholar-bureaucrates of Putian .

  3. 建水,位于云南省南部,是滇南边地区文化与江南汉文化紧密结合的一座城市,历史上文风盛行,古有文献名邦、滇南邹鲁之誉。

    Jianshui city , located in southern of Yunnan Province , is a Combining city which southern Yunnan culture and Chinese culture including in , it is a city of culture history .

  4. 云南省大理白族自治州剑川县金华镇是一个典型的白族传统小城镇,享有文献名邦的美称。

    Jinhua Town , which is located in Jianchuan County of Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture of Yunnan Province , is a typical Bai town and enjoys the reputation of " a historic town with rich culture "?

  5. 胶州号称“海表名邦”,明清以来又有“金胶州”和“多拉多”(德语“理想黄金国”的意思)的美誉。

    Jiaozhou , known by reputation as " Renowned Land ", has been reputed as " Golden Jiaozhou " and also " El Dorado "( which means " an idealized gold country " in German ) since Ming and Qing Dynasties .