
  • 网络ancient vernacular
  1. 从语言面貌上看,汉魏以后口语中新生的词汇现象与语法现象,都在书中有面广量大的反映,因此奠定了全书的古白话基础。

    In terms of its linguistic features , neologisms and new grammatical features from the Han and Wei onwards are evident in the novel , and thus form the basis of ancient vernacular Chinese for the book .

  2. 论古白话小说对文言传奇形式的影响

    On Ancient Novels Written in the Vernacular

  3. 这个时期,还是汉语语体由文言转变为以北方话为基础的古白话,并逐步走向成熟的时期。

    In this period , Chinese language was developed and perfected richly , and the style of writing was transformed from Wen-yen to colloquialism and maturated gradually .

  4. 从中也凸显了在汉语发展过程中,古白话词语经历过的由少到多、由口语到书面语的过程。

    And from it we also can see the clue or process modern words have undergone in the whole development of Chinese , from a few to many , from oral to literal .