
  1. 记住古入声字在普通话中的读法。

    Keep in mind the pronunciation of ancient characters with entering tone in putonghua .

  2. 古入声字在河南话与普通话中的调类分派比较研究

    The Study on the Tone Category of the Ancient Entering Tone Words in Henan Dialect and Common Speech

  3. 古入声字的归派是这些教师讲好普通话的一大障碍;

    It is a great obstacle of speaking good common speech of these teachers that distribution of the Ancient Entering Tone Words .

  4. 九道辙无入声,平仄可讲&关于古入声字的调查

    With no In-tone in the Nine Rhymes , Either Flat Tone or Oblique Tone is Acceptable ── A survey on the ancient in tone characters

  5. 这六县市方言,是古入声字今独立成调的方言,声韵调语音系统同成渝话存在着不同程度的差异。

    The dialects of the six counties , which contain ancient Chinese characters with entering tone , are different from Chengdu-Chongqing dialect in terms of the phonetic system , particularly the consonant , vowel and tone .