
  1. 对于所有这些棘手的问题,隆都心平气和地坦率地写了出来。

    About all these sticky questions , Roon writes with calm frankness .

  2. 塔北隆起和巴楚断隆都经历过前缘隆起这一发展阶段,两者存在诸多共性。

    Both the North Tarim Uplift and the Bachu Uplift had gone through forebulge phase , so they had some similar features .

  3. 黑魔王索隆不是每天都会亲自下山

    It 's not every day Lord Sauron steps down

  4. 透过墙上的窟隆我看到人们都拿着枪。

    I looked through a hole in the wall and saw men with guns .

  5. 老年人骸部骨折属于骨质疏松性骨折,股骨粗隆间骨折一般都有明确外伤史;

    The hip bone fracture in the elderly is attributed to osteoporosis , but the femoral intertrochanteric fracture generally has a history of injury .