
  1. 辐照剂量、热风温度、切片厚度三因素对脱水速率和干制品的外观质量、VC含量、复水比等四指标大都呈显著影响。

    The three factors of irradiation dosage , hot-air temperature , and initial slice thickness significantly affected the four indexes of appearance quality , VC content , dehydration rate and rehydration rate .

  2. 现代汉语四音节词大都是新词,四个语素构成的占了绝大多数,语素与语素以ABCD组合方式为主,类型主要是偏正结构,名词占了近83%。

    Four syllable words in modern Chinese are mostly new words , which are nearly all four morpheme words mainly in the form of AB | CD , consisting of a modifier and the modified , and of which noun makes 83 % .

  3. 星期四,亚洲股市大都走低。

    On Thursday most major Asian stock markets closed lower .

  4. 新兴股份制商业银行的规模报酬情况基本处于规模报酬不变和规模报酬递增阶段,而四大国有银行大都处于规模不经济的规模报酬递减阶段。

    The newly founded joint-stock commercial banks are in the stage of constant return to scale or increasing return to scale , while the state-owned commercial banks are mainly in the stage of decreasing return to scale .