
  1. 美国圣母大学(NotreDame)门多萨商学院(MendozaCollegeofBusiness)的两位管理学教授爱华德•康隆和安特•格拉瓦斯对这一点深信不疑。

    Edward Conlon and ante glavas , two management professors at the Mendoza College of business at Notre Dame , think so .

  2. 采用该体系我们将胆碱脱氢酶基因betA和突变的乙酰乳酸合成酶基因als导入到3个棉花优良品种中,获得了抗除草剂氯磺隆和耐盐性提高的转基因植株及其子代。

    Using this transformation system , betA and als genes were introduced into three elite cotton cultivars . Some transgenic plants and T1 progenies with improved herbicide ( Lvhuanglong ) resistance and salt tolerance were obtained .

  3. 阔筋膜张肌肌皮瓣转移修复大粗隆和坐骨结节褥疮

    Repair of pressure sores by the tensor fascia lata myocutaneous flap

  4. 结论绿麦隆和阿特拉津对小鼠睾丸的毒性与染毒剂量相关,联合作用体系加重了对小鼠睾丸的毒性效应。

    Conclusion Chlorotoluron and atrazine can produce a combined toxic effect on the testis of mice .

  5. 目的了解大庆市稻田的害鼠种类、密度及活动高峰期,鼠害发生面积及观察敌鼠隆和溴敌隆在我市稻区的防制效果。

    Objective To investigate the rodent infestation in rice field in Daqing and to observe the rodent control effect by rodenticide .

  6. 他离开了纳匝肋,到位于则步隆和纳斐塔里交界的湖边,在葛法翁城住了下来。

    He left Nazareth and went to settle down in capernaum , a town by the lake of galilee , at the border of Zebulun and naphtali .

  7. 第二个层序为Ⅱ型层序,发育陆棚边缘体系域、海侵体系域和高位体系域,由陆棚、火山陆隆和浊流沉积组成。

    The secondary sequence is type ⅱ sequence , including the continental shelf , the volcanic continental rise and the turbidity current deposits , which has the shelf marginal system tract ( SMST ), the transgression system tract ( TST ) and the high system tract ( HST ) .

  8. 它们在高亚洲隆升和年青造山作用(Mountian-building)方面具有独特的动力学作用。

    They have played a special dynamic role in the uplift and young orogeny of High Asia .

  9. 资料统计学处理比较,埋线丰隆组和药物对照组患者无显著性差异,具有可比性(P0.05)。

    Data statistics processing , embedding Feng long combination drugs , patients in the control group had no significant difference , comparable ( P0.05 ) . 2 .

  10. 此研究方法可以推广到地壳的隆升和断代等,以及拓展加速器质谱(AMS)在环境样品中的应用。

    This technology and method can be extended to study the flourishing of the earth 's crust and to judge the age of something and even can help to extend the applications of AMS in circumstance science .

  11. 术中所见髓核突出状况与CTD提示符合率74.2%,CTD1、2型分别相当膨隆型和突出型,3型多为游离型;

    In 74.2 % of the cases , CTD suggestions agree with the surgical findings of protrusion of nucleus pulposus . Type 1 corresponds to the protruded type and type 2 corresponds to the extruded type , while type 3 mostly corresponds to the sequestered type .

  12. 然而,如果国国际社会放弃索马里,Meles总理说,他向AMISOM的两支主要部队,葡隆地和乌干达保证,一定会保证维和人员安全撤离。

    If that fails , however , and the international community abandons Somalia , Mr. Meles said he has assured Burundi and Uganda , the two AMISOM troop contributors , that Ethiopia will guarantee safe departure of the peacekeepers .

  13. 戴维斯的队友霍乐迪、隆多和米罗蒂奇在季后赛打得也非常好,尤其是霍乐迪,打出了全明星的表现。但戴维斯仍是鹈鹕的核心,特别是在考辛斯倒下之后,他的表现让他具有了下一届常规赛MVP潜质。

    Anthony 's teammates Jrue Holiday , Rajon Rondo and Nikola Mirotic also played very well in the postseason , with Holiday especially making his case as an impact star , but Davis was the man in New Orleans after DeMarcus Cousins went down , and his postseason excellence sets the stage for a potential MVP bid next season .

  14. 滇西高原第四纪以来的隆升和剥蚀

    Uplift and denudation of the western Yunnan Plateau in Quaternary

  15. 重力滑动作用表现为触发盐-泥层的聚集&隆升和引起薄皮滑脱作用。

    Salt-mud bed accumulation and upwelling and thin-skinned detachment led to gravitational gliding .

  16. 请自愿上来一对—隆巴顿和芬列里,你们怎么样?

    Let 's have a volunteer pair - Longbottom and Finch-Fletchley , how about you ?

  17. 法国东部一个多山地区,在此隆河和索恩河汇流。

    A mountainous region of eastern France drained by the Rhone and Saone and Isere rivers .

  18. 乔纳森考金斯和安吉拉霍肯不时合著作品,分别在卡内基梅隆大学和佩伯丁大学任教。

    Jonathan Caulkins and Angela Hawken , occasional co-authors , teach at Carnegie Mellon and Pepperdine universities respectively .

  19. 活塞对当然首先攻击隆多和帕金斯的位置,但是也不排除其它选择。

    The Pistons certainly will attack Rondo and Perkins , but not to the exclusion of every other offensive option .

  20. 隆哥和他的同事们说,喂食低热量食物的动物寿命较长,部分原因是它们的细胞可以更好地抗拒压力。

    Longo and colleagues said animals fed a low-calorie live longer , in part because their cells can resist stress better .

  21. 中央隆升力和侧向挤压力的形成取决于板块俯冲倾角的大小。

    Forming of the force of center uplifting and lateral compressing depends on the size of dip angle of plate subduction .

  22. 提出逆冲体系中的韧脆性复成断裂带在带内的相对“上隆”和“下陷”的边缘地区以及其过渡带是金矿成矿的有利地区。

    It is pointed out that the best gold metallogenic area are at uplifting and sagging edge of ductile complex fault of thrusting-nappe fault system .

  23. 但其内核主要为花岗岩,核内和核外的地层几乎同时代,并无“古老变质核”,它的形成机制主要是岩浆底辟强力侵位引起地壳局部隆升和伸展滑覆。

    The genetic mechanism of the domal deformational-metamorphic body is mainly uplift and extensional gliding nappe in partly crust by diapiric strong emplacement of magma .

  24. 手术康复后,她决定先不出院,而是做了一系列其他的手术:面部拉皮,抽脂,隆胸和腹部除皱。

    Upon her recovery she decides to just stay in the hospital and have a face lift , liposuction , augmentation , and a tummy tuck .

  25. 沙沟河的阶地系列是祁连山阶段性隆升和向北扩展的直接地貌证据。

    Terrace series of Shagou river , which flow northward into Tengger desert , is the direct proof for the uplift and northward expansion of Qilian Mountains .

  26. 盆地的正向反转作用会导致盆地的隆升和消亡,负向反转作用则导致山脉的隆升和新的沉积盆地的形成,正、负反转作用结果是盆、山之间的转化。

    Basin is transformed from depositing to denuded . Mountain and new basin are formed by negative basin inversion . The result is coupling between basin and mountain .

  27. 今年暑假很多大学生和中学生到医院做双眼皮,隆鼻和丰胸手术。

    Double eyelids , nose jobs and breast enlargements are what a growing number of Chinese college and high school students sought during their summer vacations this year .

  28. 谢尔承认了“整容手术海报女郎”,说她做过隆鼻和隆胸,的颊骨是真材实料。

    Cher conceded that she 's become the " plastic surgery poster girl ," admitting to rhinoplasty and breast augmentation , but insists that her cheekbones are real .

  29. 当今社会假肢、隆胸和心脏起搏器的使用屡见不鲜。而当这些假体的使用者死去或者不再需要它们时,它们会面临怎样的命运呢?

    Millions of prosthetics , breast implants , and pacemakers now exist - so what happens to all these augmentations when their owners die or no longer need them ?

  30. 认为由北东向南西的掀斜隆升和右行走滑剪切作用是欧亚大陆阿尔泰山脉西南麓隆升的主要机制。

    The paper suggests that the uplift tilting and right-lateral strike-slip shearing from northeast to southwest can be a mechanism of northwest foothills of Altai Mountain systems in Europe-Asia continent .