
zhōu tiān
  • Sunday;the universe;a complete circle of 360 degrees
周天 [zhōu tiān]
  • [the universe] 整个天地间;满天

  • 周天寒彻

  1. 当她们在周天的比赛亮相时,她们已经大变样了。

    When they showed up for their Sunday game , they were completely different .

  2. 两人“偷偷办婚礼”的说法刚过去几天,双方的朋友康拉德就在社交媒体Instagram上分享了两人周天准备一起切蛋糕的照片。

    Days after it was reported that the pair were set to wed in a ' secret ceremony ' , their friend Conrad Carr took to Instagram to share a snapshot of the lovebirds preparing to cut a cake together on Sunday .

  3. 周天表示,救援人员仍在搜寻失踪的消防人员。

    Mr Zhou said rescuers were still searching for missing firefighters .

  4. 这周天文学界有两个大的进展。

    This week there were two big developments in astronomic science .

  5. 这个周天我去参观澳门。

    At the weekend I will visit Macao .

  6. 周天下午,我看望我奶奶了。

    I visited my grandmother on Sunday afternoon .

  7. 周一到周五早上没时间,要上课:时间可不可以调到周六周天或晚上呢?

    I have classes at night , I am only available during the day .

  8. 过往她每个周天全部打篮球。

    He used to play basketball every Sunday .

  9. 周天杜兰特参加了训练。

    Durant was cleared to practice on Sunday .

  10. 我们有三门不同的课程,分别在这周天,周一和周二开讲。

    There are three different ones on this Sunday , this Monday , this Tuesday .

  11. 自从上周天就一直在下雨。

    Since last week it has rained .

  12. 如果这轮系列赛六场结束,西决第一场将在当地时间周天于甲骨文中心进行。

    If it ends in six , the West Finals start in Oracle Arena on Sunday .

  13. 周天早泄时候,朝鲜宣布如果遭到挑衅,将会回击的威胁。

    Earlier Sunday , North Korea issued a fresh threat to launch attacks against South Korea if provoked .

  14. 并于6月1日周天首次登陆国家地理频道《解密巨石阵》栏目。

    and revealed in a National Geographic Channel special Stonehenge Decoded premiering Sunday June 1st . Check local listings .

  15. 日期不是固定的,通常是在六月的第二个周天。

    Z : Children 's Day actually changes its dates , It 's usually on the second Sunday of June .

  16. 周天,林赛又与久违相聚的朋友在星巴克咖啡店中享受闲暇时光,尽情以咖啡因与香烟放松神经。

    Yet another LiLo sighting placed her at a Starbucks with friends , relaxing with some caffeine and smokes on Saturday .

  17. 我们把福音的信息给割裂成为周天早上的一场敬拜,或是每周一两次的查经学习。

    We have compartmentalized the Gospel message down to a Sunday morning service and maybe a study or two during the week .

  18. 当广告数量最多时,送货上门的报纸在一周的周二周五和周天进行。

    Home delivery of the printed paper on those days of the week – Thursday , Friday and Sunday – when advertising volume is highest .

  19. 霍奇森表示格伦约翰逊现在面临着和时间赛跑的局面,目前格伦约翰逊正全力追赶着搭上周天对阵布莱克本的大巴车。

    Roy Hodgson has revealed that Glen Johnson faces a race against time to be fit for Sunday 's Barclays Premier League clash with Blackburn Rovers .

  20. 周天表示,在天津市第二支消防队刚刚抵达现场时,现场就发生了爆炸,接连两次爆炸在市区上空产生了蘑菇云。

    The second brigade of city firefighters had just arrived on the scene when a double explosion sent a mushroom cloud over the city , Mr Zhou said .

  21. 周天,比伯告诉跟拍的记者,他要在纽约举办婚礼,目前在持续筹备婚礼,无暇顾及新音乐。

    Justin told the cameras on Sunday that he was going to marry Hailey in New York City and was focusing on his wedding rather than new music .

  22. 此外,探源周天、内丹之名,亦于此时期明确提出。

    Furthermore , it is also in this period that the exploration of the source of " circulation " and " internal elixir " was also clearly put forward .

  23. 本周天,《邮报》的一项族谱调查发现,这对著名的情侣的确是远方亲戚,并与15世纪后期的祖先王太后有关联。

    A genealogical investigation by The Mail on Sunday has found that the famous pair are actually distant cousins , related through a late 15th-century ancestor of the Queen Mother .

  24. 布鲁克林也无法阻挡和女友哈纳·克罗斯公开恋情。周天,两人在比佛利山庄购物时热吻,恋情由此公开。

    And Brooklyn Beckham couldn 't resist packing on the PDA with his girlfriend Hana Cross as they shared a passionate kiss during a Beverly Hills shopping trip on Sunday .

  25. 巴本德里欧先生在周天召开了内阁会议讨论加大财政紧缩力度来达到财政目标以及保证下一期的紧急贷款能够发放。

    Mr Papandreou held an emergency cabinet meeting on Sunday to lay the ground for more austerity measures to meet the fiscal targets and secure the release of the next bailout tranche .

  26. 周天,做成特朗普宝宝形状的橘色巨大气球飘浮在巴黎上空,法国激进人士以此反对特朗普在缅怀日当天到访巴黎。

    A giant balloon depicting Donald Trump as an angry orange baby was floated in Paris on Sunday , as activists protested against his visit to the city for Remembrance Day commemorations .

  27. 上周天猫美丽峰会的报告表示,健康保健类的商品比以往更受女性欢迎,健康生活的理念在中国消费者中逐渐盛行。

    This kind of health-focused lifestyle philosophy is soaring in popularity among Chinese consumers , with last weekend 's Tmall Beauty Summit reporting that premium health and fitness products are more popular than ever with young Chinese women .

  28. 周五早上,周天表示,最初回应火灾的是天津市港区公安局消防支队。接着,在收到多个关于汽车着火的电话后,天津市到场的第一个消防队“按照规定进行火灾侦查和判断”。

    Firefighters from the Tianjin Port police initially responded to the fire . Then , following calls about burning cars , the first brigade of city firefighters " investigated and assessed the conflagration according to regulations , " Mr Zhou said on Friday morning .

  29. 还说,感觉在强颜欢笑。周天,他告诉《太阳报》,在出席公众活动中,公爵夫人总是伪装自己的压力,因为“过时”和“愚蠢”的皇室家庭,她的肩上承受着“可怕”的期望。

    He told the Sun on Sunday that the Duchess was trying to mask her stress as she attends public events and was ' terrified ' of the expectations placed on her shoulders by an ' outdated ' and ' asinine ' Royal Family .

  30. 《每日邮报》理查德·卡报道,维罗癌症缠身,周天在温莎城堡寿终正寝,白金汉宫也传来消息:“这简直像一个时代的终结。”

    Willow was put to sleep at Windsor Castle on Sunday after a cancer-related illness , the Daily Mail 's ? Richard Kay reports , adding that a palace source says , " It really does feel like the end of an era . "