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  1. 车载周视观瞄平台异轴同步及任意距离修正问题分析及程序实现

    Correction of different-axis synchronization and arbitrary distance for vehicle panoramic sight platform

  2. 目的探讨脑星形细胞瘤瘤周水肿表观扩散系数(ADC)值与基质金属蛋白酶(MMP-9)表达的关系。

    Objective To discuss the correlation between MMP-9 expression levels and ADC values in peritumoral edema of cerebral astrocytoma .

  3. 坦克装甲车辆升降式周视稳定观瞄镜的设计与实现

    The Design and Realization of the Panoramic Stabilized and Elevated Sight in Tank and Armored Vehicles

  4. 应用颗粒流理论及其PFC2D程序,模拟研究了承受上拔荷载作用的桩及桩周土的细观力学特征,桩的上拔位移和颗粒的分布和速度。

    Using PFC ~ ( 2D )( Particle Flow Code in 2 Dimensions ), meso-mechanical characteristics of sand particles were simulated numerically , and distribution and velocity of sand particles as well as uplifting displacements of pile were studied .

  5. 论周谷城的教育观

    On Zhou Gucheng 's Educational Concepts

  6. 通过这些研究,可以窥视古人的颂扬文化以及周人的价值观等。

    The praise culture of the ancient people and their values can be demonstrated through these studies .

  7. 采用室内模型试验及颗粒流数值模拟研究了密实砂中静压桩沉桩过程,对桩周土体宏细观力学响应进行了分析研究。

    The experimental and numerical analysis of piles jacked into sands are conducted to study the behaviors of sand surrounding the piles on meso-mechanical characteristics and macro-mechanical response .