
  • 网络wudu
  1. 日本花椒在甘肃武都的引种表现及开发利用

    Performance and Utilization of Zanthoxylum japonica in Wudu of Gansu Province

  2. 武都水库动态汛期限制水位运用研究

    Study on Dynamic Flood Limit Water Level at Wudu Reservoir

  3. 武都数字化流体资料对岷县MS5.2地震的前兆异常反映

    Precursory anomalies of digital fluid data in Wudu before Minxian m_s5.2 earthquake

  4. 武都水库坝址区岩体力学特性试验研究

    Experiment Study on Rock Mechanical Property in Damsite Area at Wudu Reservoir

  5. 对陇南市武都区发展无公害茶叶的思考

    Thinking of Developing Non-Pullution Tea in Wudu of Longnan City

  6. 1879年武都南8级大地震及其同震破裂研究

    Research on the 1879 Southern Wudu M8.0 Earthquake and Its Coseismic Ruptures

  7. 甘肃省武都县石门乡、两水镇人体肠道蠕虫感染状况调查分析

    Survey of human intestinal parasite infection in Wudu County of Gansu Province

  8. 北魏时为南秦州,东益州武都郡。

    When the Northern Wei Dynasty Qinzhou South East Yizhou Wudu County .

  9. 武都水利枢纽工程水库数字遥测地震台网布局设计

    The design of Wudu reservoir telemeter digital seismograph network layout

  10. 武都水库18号坝段深层抗滑稳定性分析

    The deep stability against sliding analysis of the No.18 dam of Wudu reservoir

  11. 甘肃省武都县犬利什曼病的调查

    An Investigation on Canine Leishmaniasis Made in Wudu county of Gansu Province china

  12. 甘肃省武都地区药用真菌考察初报

    A preliminary survey on medical fungi im the region of wudu , Gansu

  13. 武都文县理县一线地球物理场界线的发现及意义

    The discovery of the geophysical field boundary along Wudu-Wenxian-Lixian line and its significance

  14. 武都引水工程首部枢纽施工导流的设计与施工

    Design and Construction of Diversion at Wudu Diversion Works

  15. 武都黄土堆积及晚更新世以来环境变迁研究

    A Study on Loess Sedimentation and Environmental Change since Late Pleistocene in Wudu Area

  16. 就武都地区滑坡的剪切滑动带特征作一粗浅探讨。

    The feature of the shear slide zone of the Wudu area are discussed .

  17. 武都滑坡剪切滑动带特征

    Characteristics of the Shear Slide Zone in Wudu

  18. 中国西部强震活动与武都应变变化关系分析

    Analysis on relationship between strong seismicity in Western China and strain variation in Wudu station

  19. 埋设地下光缆对武都地电影响的分析

    Analysis about the influence of underground optical fiber cable on ground resistivity at Wudu station

  20. 兰州天水武都地区重力场变化及其与地震的关系

    Change of gravity field and relationship between it and earthquake in lanzhou tianshui wudu area

  21. 武都黄土剖面稀土元素研究

    A study on REE of Wudu loess

  22. 南北构造带天水、武都强震区地壳和上地幔顶部结构

    Structure of Crust and Upper Mantle in Tianshui-Wudu Strong Earthquake Region of North-South Tectonic Belt

  23. 武都水库坝基抗滑稳定研究钻探取心工艺

    Drilling Coring Technology for Study on Stability against Sliding in Dam Foundation of Wudu Reservoir

  24. 现今,连练武都得具有英特网的常识。

    Nowadays , if you are not lnternet savvy you can 't even practice martial arts .

  25. 武都晚更新世泥石流堆积体的沉积相

    The sedimentary facies of sedimentary bodies from debris flow in the late pleistocene in Wudu area

  26. 武都重力坝深层抗滑稳定模型试验和数值分析研究

    Research on Dam Base Against Sliding Stability of Wudu Gravity Dam by Model Test and Calculation

  27. 5·12汶川地震在武都区造成灾害的特点分析

    An Analysis of the Disaster Characteristics of the " 5 · 12 Wenchuan Earthquake " in Wudu Region

  28. 在本文研究时段内,武都区植被覆盖总体上增长趋势明显。

    In this study period , the growth tendency of vegetation cover in Wudu area is clearly in general .

  29. 武都冬播地膜马铃薯生产的气象条件分析

    Analysis on Meteorological Condition During the Growth Stage of Potato Mulched with Film Sowed in Winter in Wudu County

  30. 甘肃武都古崩滑堆积体的沉积特征及其形成环境

    Making Paper & The Ancient Way The Depositional Characteristics and Generative Environment of Paleo-rock Avalanche in Wudu County , Gansu Province