
  1. 以结构调整为主线,写好城郊型经济大文章&联系武鸣县实际谈实现富民兴桂新跨越

    Take Structure Adjustment as the Key Line , Advance Suburban-oriented Economy

  2. 广西武鸣木薯开花结果现状调查分析

    Survey and Analysis of the Current Situation of Cassava Flowering and Fruit-setting

  3. 武鸣伊岭纹理石资源的开发利用前景

    Exploitation and utilization prospects of Yilin veined stone resource in Wuming County

  4. 广西武鸣新发现的洞穴盲鱼

    New discovery of cave blind fish in wuming , Guangxi

  5. 武鸣县工业发展基础良好,本地资源型特色明显。

    It has a good industrial development foundation and features in local resources .

  6. 广西武鸣华侨农场心血管病危险因素的调查研究

    Study on Risk Factors of Cardiovascular Disease at Wuming Overseas Farm in Guangxi

  7. 特别是在武鸣的小书吧!

    Wuming particularly in the small book !

  8. 审计文化建设实证研究&以武鸣县审计局为例

    Demonstration of Audit Culture and Construction & As an Example of Wuming County Accounting Office

  9. 广西武鸣县1998&2008年性传播疾病流行特点分析

    Analysis of Prevalence of Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Wuming County of Guangxi Province during 1998-2008

  10. 本文选取武鸣县城作为调查点,对其进行了全面而系统的分析研究。

    This article select wuming county as the survey points to be a comprehensive and systematic analysis .

  11. 应用于武鸣县土地利用总体规划的研究编制工作,取得了较好的效果。

    The Database system was applied in the Wuming County Land Use Overall Planning and has acquired preferable effect .

  12. 1990~1993年间,在桂西南的左江、桃城、浪湾和武鸣4个华侨农场的荔枝龙眼果园中,进行了荔蝽的发生情况调查和综合防治研究。

    During 1990-1993 , systematic investigations on litchi stink bug were carried out , and its integrated control was conducted .

  13. 武鸣县一菠萝园菠萝植株全部失绿黄化,经诊断为锰过量导致生理性缺铁。

    Pineapple Chlorosis was occurred in an orchard in wuming county and was diagnosed as a physiological iron-deficiency caused by excessive manganese .

  14. 武鸣县忠党水库主坝采用劈裂灌浆技术进行防渗加固,在广西土坝除险加固工程中尚属首例。

    Adopting split grouting technique to strengthen the Dangzhong reservoir 's main dam for seepage prevention is a fist example yet in Guangxi .

  15. 武鸣境内公路四通八达,是大西南陆路出海的重要通道之一。

    Wuming , being one of the important landways of the Southwest China to the sea , has highways extending in all directions .

  16. 壮族粽文化剖析&以广西武鸣县壮族为例

    An Analysis of Zhuang People 's Rice Dumpling ( Zong ) Culture & With the Zhuang People of Wuming , Guangxi as Typical Example

  17. 武鸣县农作物秸秆综合利用形势很好但其中存在一些问题:一是农民思想观念难以转变。

    Wuming County Comprehensive Utilization of crop stalk the situation is very good but there exist some problems : one is to change the ideas of farmers .

  18. 通过在武鸣县土地利用总体规划中的初步运行,能满足土地资源管理现代化的要求。

    And a land resources management GIS system for suburbs overlap was designed , its applied result was good in the overall plan for Wuming county land use .

  19. 本文对广西武鸣县黑荆树营养元素的组成特征以及营养元素与单宁相对含量、总量的关系进行了研究。

    In this paper , component characteristics of the nutrient elements of black wattle in Guangxi Wunming and their relation to the tannic content and quantum were studied .

  20. 整理出《武鸣土语》和《武鸣壮族民间故事》动词与形容词、副词、介词短语以及其他修饰成分的基本语序。

    The basic word order of verbs and adjectives , adverbs , prepositional phrases and other modifiers were sorted out from the Wuming dialect and folk tales of Wuming Zhuang .

  21. 武鸣县属于北部壮语区,境内壮语为强势方言,但其县城及府城镇通行一种近似桂柳方言的官话。

    Wuming belongs to the northern Zhuang area , the territory of Zhuang strong dialect , but the county and government town to pass an approximate Gui Liu dialect of Mandarin .

  22. 为武鸣县土地规划管理局提供数字化的土地资源数据,同时为土地利用总体规划编制提供新的、有效的工具。

    It offers the digitalized data of land resources for the land planning and management bureau of Wuming County and realizes the popularization of the Database system of Land Use Overall Planning as well .

  23. 采用鸡胚接种和细胞培养的方法,从广西武鸣县某鹅场患病鹅脑、肝、脾中分离获得了2株病毒;

    Two strains of virus , which were isolated from the cerebrum , liver and spleen of diseased geese in Guangxi Region by the methods of embryo inoculation and cell culture , were identified as goose paramyxovirus by the tests of RT-PCR , HA and HI .

  24. 本文正是以此为背景,通过对武鸣县新型农民培育状况的实地调查,来探索当前新型农民培育中存在的问题,并剖析其原因,进而提出相关对策建议。

    Against this background , this paper aims to discover the problems existing in cultivating new peasants at present , analyze their reasons , and put up relevant Countermeasures for resolving them by the field investigation of the status of cultivating new peasants in Wuming County .