
  • 网络Hung Hsiu-chu
  1. 洪秀柱将于周日抵达大陆开始她为期五天的访问,这是她3月30日接任国民党领袖以来首次来到大陆。

    Hung Hsiu-chu will arrive on Sunday to start her five-day visit , it will be her first to the mainland since becoming head of the KMT on March 30 .

  2. 洪秀柱早前表示,北京举办的这个论坛能够帮助台湾人民找到出路,而国民党有责任引导民意。

    Earlier , Hung said the forum in Beijing would help Taiwan people seek a way out , and that it is the KMT 's responsibility to guide public opinion .