
  • 网络zhongshan north road
  1. 轨道交通7号线中山北路站换乘方案研究

    Transfer Proposal for North Zhongshan Road Station of Rail Transit Line No.7

  2. 一辆卡车昨天在中山北路翻覆,造成交通回堵。

    A truck overturned on Zhongshan N. Rd. and caused traffic to back up yesterday .

  3. 地铁中山北路站冷却塔噪声治理设计及效果

    Design and Effect of Noise Control for Cooling Tower in North Zhongshan Road Underground Railway Station

  4. 我中山北路和嵩山路,但我会去金沙江路备份。

    I am down by Zhongshan Road and Songshan Road but I will go back up by Jinsha road .

  5. 中山北路是一个基本上形成环形公路的传统概念边界上海市“适当”。

    Zhongshan Road is a largely circular road which formed the traditional conceptual boundary of Shanghai city " proper " .

  6. 鉴于此,我们需要自主研发全景漫游系统生成技术,研究首先以华东师范大学中山北路校区为例,制作了华东师范大学校园全景漫游系统。

    In view of this , we need to research panoramic walkthrough system generation technology independently . Firstly , taking its North Zhongshan Road campus as an example , this research successfully made a three-dimensional panoramic walkthrough system of East China Normal University .

  7. 华东师范大学地处上海,现有阂行校区和中山北路校区,校园占地总面积207公顷学校图书馆建于1951年,现全馆面积约3.2万平方米,藏书量350余万册。

    ECNU is located in Shanghai with Minhang Campus and North Zhongshan Road Campus . It occupies a total area of 207 hectares . The library of East China Normal University , with a total area of about 32 000 square meters , was established in October 1951 The collection of books in the library has exceeded 3500000 volumes .