
  1. 张志军和王郁琦还表示,他们希望展开更紧密地合作来推进两岸旅游业的发展。

    Zhang and Wang also says they want to work more closely to support more cross-Strait tourism .

  2. 王郁琦表示,许多问题无法在一次访问中全部解决,但此行增进增进了互相了解。

    Wang said that the visit improved mutual understanding , although one visit was not enough to achieve all goals .

  3. 台湾方面大陆委员会负责人王郁琦表示,他这次为期四天的大陆之行是一个“好的开始”。

    Taiwan 's mainland affairs chief Wang Yu-chi says his four-day visit to the Chinese mainland was a " good beginning . "

  4. 在此次访问中,王郁琦与国台办主任张志军举行了首次正式会谈。

    During his visit , Wang held his first formal meeting with his mainland counterpart Zhang Zhijun , head of the State Council Taiwan Affairs Office .

  5. 张志军与台湾大陆委员会主任王郁琦今年2月在南京举行了首次官方会面。

    Mr. Zhang and his counterpart , Wang Yu-chi , chairman of Taiwan 's Mainland Affairs Council , met in their official capacities for the first time in Nanjing , China , in February .