
  • 网络KC Wong
  1. 本文通过讲述王宽诚先生投入中国教育的种种事迹,总结了他发展慈善事业的种种方式,并在此基础上归纳了王宽诚先生为社会带来的种种效益和福利。

    This paper recounts Mr.K.C.Wong 's donation to the Chinese education and summarizes various modes he employed to develop his philanthropy and benefits his donation has brought to the society .

  2. 本文解析了王宽诚捐资助学的方式、特点,认为王宽诚的捐资助学在路径上始于惠及桑梓,终于报效国家;

    This paper analyzes the mode and the features of KC Wong 's donation to education and discusses the reasons and motives for the donation in order to gain an insight into his spiritual ambit .