
  1. 王鹏对此感到吃惊,特别是对它们的价格。

    Wang Peng was amazed at this and especially at the price .

  2. 王鹏周五想要去拜访他的好朋友。

    Wang Peng Friday to visit his good friend .

  3. 王鹏把业余时间花在集邮上。

    Wang Peng spends his spare time collecting stamps .

  4. 西方人的观点:王鹏应该向亚当直接进行沟通。

    Westerner 's View : Wang Peng should speak to Adam directly about their lack of communication .

  5. 这将有助于减少误解的机会,建立王鹏和亚当的关系。

    This will help to decrease the chances of having a misunderstanding and to build Wang Peng and Adam 's professional relationship .

  6. 有没有必要在这里表达愤怒或怨恨,王鹏能够把这个处理的非常好。

    There is no need to express anger or resentment here , Wang Peng can deal with this as professionally as possible .

  7. 根据王鹏的英语水平,如果使用手机将是最有效的对话方式。

    Depending on Wang Peng 's level of English , this conversation will be most effective if it is on the phone .

  8. 负责处理该案的吴忠警方表示,包括王鹏在内的所有人都有权检举舞弊行为,维护公平正义,目前警方正在就此案件进行深入调查。

    Wuzhong police officials say people , including Wang , have the right to report fraud to maintain justice and are investigating his case further .