
  1. 陈晓卿说,尽管故事情节发展自然流畅,而在录制烹饪过程时还是出现了许多问题。

    The storyline development went smoothly , but problems arose in recording the cooking process , Chen says .

  2. 陈晓卿说,仅仅七集的纪录片也许不足以展现中国饮食文化的辉煌成就。

    Chen says the seven episodes might not be enough to capture the glory of Chinese food culture .

  3. 陈晓卿表示,如今电视上充斥着各色美食,尤其是一些顶级大厨的推荐菜式和近距离观察高级菜肴复杂精细的烹饪过程。

    Television is filled with food these days , especially introductions by top-notch chefs and close looks at the complicated and refined cooking processes of haute cuisine , Chen says .

  4. 影片的艺术指导陈晓卿表示,尽管春节的历史可以追溯到农耕时代,但它在今天的现代社会仍然还有一席之地。

    Chen Xiaoqing , the artistic director for the film , said that while the Spring Festival is a remnant of the agrarian age , it still has a place in today 's modern society .

  5. 《舌尖上的中国》是中国制作的电视纪录片,主要描述中国食物、饮食和烹饪的历史,该系列纪录片是由陈晓卿指导,李立宏配音,阿鲲配乐。

    A Bite of China is a Chinese documentary television series on the history of food , eating , and cooking in China directed by Chen Xiaoqing , narrated by Li Lihong with original music composed by Roc Chen .