
Zhu Jimin , chairman of the China Iron and Steel Association , said in a speech posted on the association 's website that the aggregate profit of the nation 's steelmakers fell to Rmb2.39bn ( $ 379m ) in the first half year due to falling demand and rising costs .
Mr Zhu said its Olympic plan would mean Shougang would " basically be in a shut-down state " for three months .
The government has already indicated that , if Shougang really does this , it will offer necessary assistance , Mr Zhu said .
He said that the cost of iron ore had soared , rising to $ 153 per tonne in May from $ 136 at the end of last year .
Shougang will continue production during the 2008 Olympic Games , but will work to limit its impact on society at that time , the China Daily newspaper quoted Mr Zhu as saying .