
  1. 王娜天生就没有上颌骨和牙齿,这使得她吃东西和讲话都很吃力。

    Wang Na was born with no upper jaw bone or teeth , making eating and speaking very difficult .

  2. 在手术后不久,王娜就能较为轻松地咬碎并咀嚼饼干了。而这,在术前,是她难以想象的。

    Soon after surgery she was able to break and chew a biscuit relatively easily , something almost inconceivable before the operation .

  3. 报道还说,王娜现在需要接受一套治疗方案来提高讲话能力,学习如何咀嚼,以及适应脸部的其他新的功能。

    Wang must now undergo therapy to improve her speech , learn to chew properly and get used to other new functions of her face , the report said .

  4. 第四军医大学口腔医院的外科医生为王娜镶了一排全新的牙齿,整个手术过程仅耗时40分钟。

    Surgeons at the city 's Fourth Military Medical University 's dental hospital fitted Wang with an entirely new row of teeth in an operation that took just 40 minutes .

  5. 据中国中央电视台报道,这名女孩叫王娜,今年22岁,已经在西安(中国陕西省省会)接受了长达四年的系列手术。

    Twenty-two year old Wang Na had the last in a four-year-long series operations in Xi'an , capital of the country 's northern Shaanxi province , China Central Television reported .