
  • 网络Course Syllabus;course outline
  1. 以实例为基础,把现行的课程教学大纲、课程进度计划和课程教学计划的功能进行了比较,指出前两者不能代替后者。

    Secondly , it compares the functions of a syllabus with that of a course outline and a class calendar with concrete examples , and points out that the latter two cannot replace the former .

  2. BTEC课程教学大纲对高职院校借鉴作用的研究

    A Study of BTEC Unit Syllabus Used By Chinese Polytechnics For Reference

  3. 任何活动开始之前,培训师将在培训课文本预计表中确定具体的培训课程教学大纲,该表由核质量保证工程师(NQA)或质量保证经理(QA)培训师审批。

    The precise course syllabus will be defined on the Training course text proforma by the instructor , approved by the NQA Engineer or QA Manager prior to commencement of any training activity .

  4. 测试的内容以课程教学大纲和教材为依据。

    Also the contents of tests are based on syllabus and materials .

  5. 计算机数学建模课程教学大纲

    Teaching Outline of Mathematical Modeling with Computer

  6. “电路分析基础”课程教学大纲修订的研究

    A study of the revision of the syllabus for the course " the elementals of circuit analysis "

  7. 对华东地区高校运动训练本科专业排球专修课程教学大纲的分析与研究

    Contrast and Analysis on the Teaching Programs of the Volleyball Specialized Course for Sports Training Speciality in East China

  8. 对制定2005年高师体育教育专业田径课程教学大纲的几点思考。

    To making some thinking of the syllabus of educating professional track and field course of high teacher 's sports of 2005 .

  9. 课本的编写与课本的使用以及课程教学大纲与课堂教学教案应当有机结合以便更充分地发挥教材的作用。

    Connections between the textbooks and language use , curriculum and lesson planning in the classroom need to be established for a more complete description of the use of English textbooks .

  10. 主要指人才培养方案、课程教学大纲、实验教学大纲、实习教学大纲、学期进程计划、教学日历、课表、学期教学总结等。

    Basically show the talent develops process of outline of education of outline of education of outline of education of plan , course , experiment , exercitation , semester summary of education of calendar of plan , education , school timetable , semester .

  11. 第二部分主要通过展示该课程的教学大纲、教学计划和教学课件(PPT),介绍这门课程具体设计内容。

    The second part of this essay introduces the specific information of this course , including the teaching program , the teaching plan and teaching courseware of this course .

  12. 该软件功能齐全,涵盖了热工自动控制原理和热工自动控制系统两门课程实验教学大纲指定的所有实验项目。

    The experimental software contains all the experimental items that are assigned by the experimental teaching program of the thermotechnical control principle and system .

  13. 当你阅读这课程的教学大纲时,我们希望你会感受到我们希望让这个课程为你带来帮助的努力。

    As you read this syllabus , we hope you get a sense of our commitment to making this course a rewarding experience for you .

  14. 对生殖医学专业《男科学》课程的教学大纲、教学内容、教材、教学方法及手段进行了一些改革。

    We take some measures of teaching reform about Andrology in reproductive medical speciality , including the teaching outline , the content , books , the method and means .

  15. 如果您看看各个不同教育机构的程序设计课程的教学大纲,就会发现会有一些教学大纲把程序的设计列为课程或者教学目标。

    If you look at the syllabi from programming courses at various educational institutions , you will find several that list programming style as one of the course topics or goals .

  16. 论文重点阐述了在教学中应如何尝试改变教学观念和运用新的教学方法和手段、不断探索新的教学模式、实施新的教学改革方案、修正主干课程的教学大纲。

    The paper stresses on elaborating how to attempt to change new teaching ideas and utilizing new teaching methods , exploring unceasingly new educational model , implementing new teaching reform plan , revising the main curriculum program .

  17. 采用问卷调查法、座谈访问法、文献资料法和经验总结法,对15所高校保健体育课程的教学大纲、教材、教学内容、教学方法、评价标准等进行分析研究。

    By means of questionnaire , interview , literature review and experience summary , the paper analyzes and researches the curriculum , teaching materials , teaching contents , teaching methods and appraisal standards in 15 colleges and universities .

  18. 高校旅游专业应从人才培养定位,专业设置定位,教学课程、教学大纲和教材、实训基地建设,师资培养及教学方法等方面予以改革。

    Tourism specialty in institutions of higher education should reform from the aspects of talent training localization , specialty localization , course , teaching syllabus , teaching materials , training base , faculty cultivating , teaching method , and so on .

  19. 花点时间去了解课程内容和教学大纲。

    Take the time to look at class descriptions and syllabi .

  20. 我国中学化学课程标准(教学大纲)之比较

    The Comparison of Middle-school Chemistry Curriculum Standards ( Syllabuses ) in China

  21. 亦可取得详列每堂课程内容的教学大纲与进度表。

    A version of the syllabus and calendar is also available that lists all aspects of each class together .

  22. 搜集、比较、分析医学院校医用形态学的课程设置、教学大纲、教学进度、教学效果。

    The materials about course arrangement , teaching outline , teaching schedule and teaching effect were also done as above .

  23. 化学课程标准(教学大纲)是化学课程的中观形式,它全面反映了化学课程的目标、内容以及化学课程实施和评价等问题。

    Chemistry curriculum standard ( syllabus ) is the mid-cosmic form of chemistry curriculum , reflecting the problems pertinent to chemistry curriculum goal , curriculum content , curriculum implementation and evaluation .

  24. 本着与时俱进的精神,96年国家教委颁布了新的课程计划和教学大纲,并依据教学大纲重新编写了新教材。

    For keeping up with the times , in 1996 , National Education Committee promulgated the new course 's plan with the syllabus , and wrote present textbooks for high school according to the syllabus .

  25. 本文以德国开设景观生态教学的主要大学为例,介绍了德国景观生态教学课程体系、教学大纲、课程设置特点、发展趋势以及就业前景。

    Taken the main universities which boast the teaching subjects of landscape ecology in Germany as example , the teaching system , curriculum , teaching planning and the career perspective for the students are introduced .

  26. 在整个教学过程中,教师必须借助一定的教学方式、方法才能实现课程体系、教学大纲、教学计划和教材中提出的目标。

    In the whole process of teaching , the teachers can achieve the goals of the curriculum , the syllabus , the teaching plans and the textbooks that included by using a certain teaching methods .

  27. 本文主要对经管专业计算机类课程,根据教学大纲和教学内容进行按知识点分解实现模块化。

    This text is main to manage the profession computer course , proceed with the content of course according to the syllabus to order according to the knowledge the decomposition realizes the mold piece turns .

  28. 以道家的语言观观照当代语文课程改革,教学大纲、教材、教学方法作为一脉相承的话语体系,其改革要勇于超越,走向开放。

    To observe the reform of current Chinese course with Taoist viewpoint of language , we can find that teaching programs , teaching materials and teaching methods are a system of language from the same origin and still have to overstep continuously .

  29. 第二部分:通过比较分析国内外地理课程标准(教学大纲)中关于地理学科能力培养的具体要求,总结了国际、国内在地理学科能力组成要素划分上的取向、差异、启示与不足。

    Part two : The preference , difference , revelation and demerits of the partition in the respects of the ability 's components in the world were concluded through comparing the demand of geography subject ability training in the standards of geography education .

  30. 化学课程标准与化学教学大纲在理念上的差异

    Difference in Notions between Curriculum Criterion and Syllabus for Chemistry