
kè tánɡ jì lǜ
  • classroom discipline
  1. 论我国中学课堂纪律的重建

    On the Reconstruction of Classroom Discipline in Middle Schools in China

  2. 对于经常扰乱课堂纪律者可暂令其退学。

    Suspension may be employed for constant disrupters of classroom discipline .

  3. 她严格执行课堂纪律。

    She keeps good discipline in class .

  4. 那位教师无法维持课堂纪律。

    The teacher can 't keep discipline in her classroom .

  5. 良好的课堂纪律能保证正常的教学秩序和教学质量。

    Better class discipline can assure normal teaching order and teaching quality .

  6. 多数学生对学习成绩和课堂纪律持内归因态度;

    Many students hold internal attribution for learning record and classroom discipline .

  7. 运用课堂纪律管理技能提高师范生的课堂教学质量

    Applying Management Skills in Classroom Discipline to Improve Teaching quality

  8. 保持课堂纪律是每位教师的首要任务。

    Maintaining classroom discipline is the first task ofeveryteacher .

  9. 最后,制度的构建主要涉及评价制度和课堂纪律制度。

    At last , we should build up the appraise system and classroom regulations .

  10. 国外关于课堂纪律问题的研究述评

    Review on the Foreign Studies on Classroom Discipline

  11. 老师必须维持课堂纪律。

    Teachers must maintain discipline in the classroom .

  12. 有效的课堂纪律对提高课堂调控能力有很大的作用。

    To improve classroom discipline and effective classroom control ability of a great role .

  13. 他一贯强调课堂纪律。

    He insists on discipline in the classroom .

  14. 案例一描述和分析了这位教师如何组织与维护课堂纪律;案例二描述和分析了这位教师从归属感和自尊感的角度出发提高学生学习积极性的尝试;

    Case one describes and analyzes how the teacher organize class and maintain class discipline ;

  15. 上课时,不可做和课程不相关的事,或随意与同学聊天,扰乱课堂纪律。

    Do not chat , disturb others , or do anything else unrelated in the classroom .

  16. 这个男孩由于违犯了课堂纪律而受到教师的处罚。

    The boy was punished by his teacher because he had been out of order in class .

  17. 建议学生要遵守课堂纪律,课前充分做好准备活动;

    To be free of injuries , the students should observe class disciplines and do enough warming_up .

  18. 维持良好的课堂纪律,促进学生的自我管理已经成为学校德育工作的重要内容。

    Maitaining good classroom discipline and promoting students self-management have become important issues in school moral education .

  19. 这样会造成教师要在上课过程中过多的浪费时间在维持课堂纪律上,浪费大量的教学时间。

    Therefore , much time is wasted in maintaining the discipline of the class instead of giving classes .

  20. 本单元主要介绍一些帮助教师创造好的教学环境的方法,以便让孩子们能遵守课堂纪律。

    This unit will look at ways the teacher can help children to behave well in the class .

  21. 所以,有用管理课堂纪律的办法和诀窍是值得每位教师不停探究的领域。

    Therefore , effective management of classroom discipline method and the skill is worth each teacher continuously explore areas .

  22. 除了备课,制定课堂纪律之外,他们还要忙着从事研究工作。

    Along with coming up with lecture material and departmental responsibilities , they 're also primarily concerned with research .

  23. 课堂纪律的管理这里主要是指制定一定规则,规范学生与教师的行为,从制度上为课堂管理提供保证;

    The second management is mainly making some rules for the students and the teacher , providing institutional guarantee ;

  24. 如何正确处理课堂纪律问题,在课堂管理中就显得尤其重要。

    Therefore , how to deal with the problem of classroom discipline is of vital importance in classroom administration .

  25. 第五部分对进一步加强和改善小学生课堂纪律管理的策略进行了探讨。

    The fifth part to further strengthen and improve management tactics of classroom discipline pupils are discussed in this paper .

  26. 在我国,关于课堂纪律的研究起步很晚,仅有十几年的研究,并且在少有的有关文献中,研究小学、初中的课堂违纪的多,研究高中的课堂违纪少;

    Frankly speaking , it 's very late to study the class discipline in China for only more than ten years .

  27. 因此,加强师范生课堂纪律管理技能知识的学习和培养训练是十分重要的。

    Therefore , it is essential for the teachers to strengthen the students ' study of applying management skills in classroom discipline .

  28. 课堂纪律是备受学校和教师关注的话题,课堂纪律管理的成功与否直接影响到课堂教学的效率。

    Classroom discipline is well-respected school and teacher noticed topic , classroom discipline management success or not directly affects the efficiency of classroom teaching .

  29. 以往的课堂纪律研究属于借鉴与介绍国外的多,自己独立研究的少;

    Researches of classroom discipline are limited in China and most of them only introduce the achievements obtained by foreign researchers without independent study .

  30. 管理好课堂纪律问题是开展教学工作的前提,和谐的课堂环境是提高课堂教学质量的保证。

    Manage classroom discipline problems is to carry out the premise of teaching and harmonious classroom environment is to improve the teaching quality assurance .