
  • 网络positive face
  1. 批评是一个威胁面子的行为,具体地说,威胁受话者积极面子的行为。

    Criticism is a face threatening act ( FTA ) which threatens the hearer 's positive face .

  2. 本文特地介绍了布朗和莱文森的面子保全论,并对面子威胁行为、积极面子和消极面子做了阐述。

    In this paper , there are the introduction to face-saving theory and the elaboration of face threatening acts , positive face and negative face .

  3. 根据消费者的面子行为,可以将其想获得的面子分为两种:积极面子、消极面子。

    According to consumers ' face behaviors , we can divide the face people want to get into two kinds : positive face and negative face .

  4. 受这种思想的影响,普遍认为中国文化是以积极面子为特征,或者我们可以说中国文化侧重于关联的礼貌面子策略。

    By this thinking , the Chinese culture is generally considered " positive face " features , or we can say that Chinese culture focus on the " related " face-saving strategy of politeness .

  5. 研究发现书评作者和读者的关系基本呈现为:书评作者享有隐含的权威,注重自己的积极面子;

    Based on researching findings , it is found that the writer-reader relationship is implicit authority on the reviewer 's part , and the reviewer attaches importance to maintain his " positive face " .

  6. 然而,女性倾向采用积极或消极面子策略来避免或减轻对他人的面子威胁。

    Women , however , are inclined to adopt positive and negative strategies to avoid or minimize the face threat towards others .

  7. 如何补偿这类本质上威胁收信人面子的行为,能否达到照顾双方积极与消极面子的目的,将决定企业与企业之间、企业与个人之间是否有继续合作的可能。

    It is determined by those compensational strategies that whether there will be the possibility to continue the cooperation between the company and its customer .

  8. 在特定语境下,附加疑问句作为礼貌策略的一种实现形式,减轻面子威胁行为并且照顾到听话人的积极或消极面子。

    In specific contexts , tag questions act as the realization of politeness strategies to mitigate face-threatening acts and attend the hearers ' positive face or negative face .

  9. 当书写报喜国际商务信函时,我们应当遵循礼貌原则,多说有益于他人,赞扬、赞美别人的话,让高兴的顾客更加高兴,以此来增加积极礼貌,提高他人的积极面子。

    While writing international business letters communicating pleasant-news , we should observe Politeness Principle of pragmatics to maximize benefit , praise and compliment to other , and make the happy customers even happier , in order to enhance other 's positive face , promote positive politeness .

  10. 积极礼貌策略是说话者为体现其尊重听话者的积极面子需求而采取的策略。

    The positive politeness strategies are employed by speakers to show their respect to the positive face of the hearers .

  11. 本文的研究着眼于把附加疑问句作为积极礼貌策略或消极礼貌策略,进而分析在口语交际中,附加疑问句的不同语用功能如何照顾到对话者的积极面子或消极面子。

    The major concern of the present study is to consider tag questions as positive or negative politeness strategies and analyze their pragmatic functions related to the negative face wants and positive face wants of the interlocutors .