
  • 网络product space
  1. 定义在一类积空间上的映射的提升

    Lifting of the maps difined on a kind of product space

  2. 复一致凸空间的积空间

    A Product Space of Complex Uniform Convex Spaces

  3. Cantor集上平方可积空间的Haar小波基

    A Haar Wavelet Basis of Square Integrable Space of Cantor Set

  4. 带C-scattered空间因子的积空间的覆盖性质

    Covering properties of product space of which one factor is C-scattered space

  5. 建立卡氏积空间(X×Y,S×T)上的乘积区间值测度和乘积模糊值测度,证明模糊值测度空间上模糊值函数的模糊值积分的Fubini定理。

    In this paper , we construct the product interval-valued measure and product fuzzy-valued measure on Cartesian product space , and prove the Fubini Theorem of fuzzy-valued integrals with respect to interval-valued measure and fuzzy-valued measure .

  6. 刻划了特征不为2及3的域上所有从一个第二对称积空间到另一个的保形如λu·u(u是向量且λ是纯量)的可分解元素的加法映射。

    The author describes those additive mappings from a second symmetric product space to another , over a ? eld of characteristic not 2 or 3 , which preserve decomposable elements of the form λ u · u where u is a vector and λ is a scalar .

  7. 上述空间类的积空间还是D-空间吗?

    Is the product of these spaces also a D-space ?

  8. 关于商空间、积空间同胚问题的注记

    A note on the homeomorphism of quotient and product spaces

  9. 基本群在覆盖流形与球面的积空间上的作用

    Fundamental Group Actions on the Product Spaces of Covering Manifolds and Spheres

  10. 相干态直积空间中的置换算符

    Permutation operators in the direct product space of coherent-states

  11. 乘积概率度量空间中M-积空间的性质

    The properties of m-product spaces in product PM spaces

  12. 积空间与商空间的几点注记

    Notes on Product Topological Spaces and Quotient Topological Spaces

  13. 具有闭射影的积空间的正规性

    The normality of product space with closed projection

  14. 积空间是D-空间的空间类

    The Spaces Whose Products is a D-space

  15. 关于弱■-加细空间的积空间

    On Products of Weak - refinable Spaces

  16. 有限积空间的性质定理

    The Property Principle of Finite Product Space

  17. L-拓扑空间相对积空间的s-连通性

    S-connectivity of Relative Productive Spaces

  18. 相对积空间的Os-连通性

    O_s-connectedness of Relative Product Space

  19. 在算子开集理论中给出了算子子空间、算子积空间和算子商空间的定义,得到了这三种空间的若干性质。

    The definitions are given of operator subspace , operator product space and operator quotient space , together with their characterizations .

  20. 满层θ-良紧空间与θ-良紧空间的积空间是θ-良紧;

    The product space of a full θ N compact space and a N compact space is a θ N compact space .

  21. 用坐标法定义向量的内积外积空间解析几何新体系之一


  22. 特别讨论了积空间中渐近非扩张映射的不动点问题,研究了某些非扩张映射迭代序列在特定条件下的收敛性问题。

    A convergence of Ishikawa iteration sequence with errors is investigated in this paper for asymptotically nonexpansive mapping in uniformly convex Banach spaces .

  23. 在点集拓扑学中,子空间,积空间,商空间等是由已知拓扑空间构造新的拓扑空间的常用方法。

    In Topological theory , subspaces , product topological spaces and quotient topological spaces are three methods often used for constructing new topological spaces .

  24. 此外,我们还定义了近性结构的粗细、初始近性与最终近性,并且讨论了不分明化近性积空间及其性。

    In addition , we defined the coarse , fine , initial and final proximities and discussed the fuzzifying proximity product spaces and their properties .

  25. 引入了卡氏和张量混合积空间上的对称化算子和相应的分块矩阵上的混合矩阵函数,给出了关于它们的若干关系式。

    Symmetrizing operators on mixed cartesian and tensor product spaces and corresponding mixed matrix functions on partitioned matrices are introduced . Some relation formulae on them are given .

  26. 该尺度核函数可以被看作是一个具有平移因子的多维尺度函数,它能作为平方可积空间的子空间上一组完备的基函数。

    In fact , scaling kernels are the multi dimensional scaling function with translation vectors and they are a set of complete bases in the sub space of the square and integrable space .

  27. 加权P方可积函数空间Lρ~p[a,b](p≥1)中强收敛与可数基

    On the Strongly Convergence and Countable Base of the Integrable Function Space L_p ~ p [ a , b ] ( p ≥ 1 ) in the Weighted P Power

  28. Bochner可积函数空间上线性算子的积分表示

    The Representation of the Linear Operator on the Space of Bochner Integrable Functions

  29. 本文研究两个Banach空间X、Y的直和空间上凸映射的性质,其中X、Y为可积函数空间或本质有界函数空间。

    In this paper , we investigate the property of convex maps defined on the directed sum of two Banach spaces X and Y , where X , Y are spaces of integrable functions or essential bounded functions .

  30. 在研究Bochner可积函数空间上线性算子的积分表示时,一般总要求函数值域空间X具有Radon-Nikodym性质。

    In studying representation of linear operator on the space of Bochner integra-ble functions by integral , authors , usually , demand that the range space X have the Radon-Nikodym property .