
jī xìng hán shù
  • multiplicative function
积性函数[jī xìng hán shù]
  1. 多项式环上n×n矩阵半群的积性函数

    On Multiplicative Function of n × n Matrix Semigroups over Polynomial Rings

  2. 完全积性函数的充分条件

    A sufficient condition for completely multiplicative functions

  3. 积性效用函数的度量函数优化和背包问题实验验证了PEA的有效性。

    The function optimization and knapsack problem show the effectiveness of PEA .

  4. 本文在第一章中首先介绍积性数论函数,Dirichlet卷积,Abel求和公式,Dirichlet级数以及RiemannZeta函数等一些基本概念及结果,并研究了数论函数的均值问题。

    In the first chapter of this paper , we introduce the multiplicative function , Dirichlet product , Abel 's identity , Dirichlet series , Riemann zeta function and so on .

  5. 准二维强耦合激子有效质量的温度依赖性积性效用函数的度量

    Temperature Dependence of Quasi-Two-Dimensional Strong-Coupling Excitons ' Effective Mass

  6. 积性凸函数且是积性凹函数的充分必要条件

    A sufficient and necessary condition for a multiplicative convex function to be a multiplicative concave function

  7. 分段函数、函数的可积性与原函数存在性

    Piecewise Function , Integrability and Existence of Primitive Function

  8. 本文结合实例,从几个不同的方面,给出了函数可积性与原函数存在性的关系,并得到了几个有用的结论。

    The paper reveals the integrability and existence of primitive function by some examples , and it leads to some useful conclusions .

  9. 解决冗余机器人伪逆可积性问题的势函数法

    Potential Function Method Using in the Integrity Problems of Redundant Manipulators