
  • 网络Accumulation layer
  1. 另外,N岛间隙内形成空穴积累层,保证埋氧层的高电场。

    Furthermore , the holes accumulation layer in the lateral gaps of n-islands maintains the high electric field in the buried oxide layer .

  2. 通过调制准二维电子积累层的面积进而达到控制隧穿电流的目的。

    The gate voltage modulates the tunneling current by modulating the area of the quasi-two-dimensional electron accumulation layer .

  3. 其次,给出了一种利用平带电容提取高k介质EOT的方法,该方法能克服量子效应所产生的反型层或积累层电容的影响。

    Second , an approach using flat-band capacitance is demonstrated for extracting the EOT of a high k dielectric , without the effects of inversion or accumulation capacitance .

  4. JFET区电阻、沟道电阻、积累层电阻和漂移区电阻是导通电阻的四个最主要的组成部分。

    JFET resistance , accumulation resistance , channel resistance and drift region resistance is the most important components of on-resistance .

  5. 电子漂移速度随外加电场变化可以出现负微分电导区域,同时也在系统中形成了电荷积累层构成的单极电场畴。

    The drift velocity as a function of the applied electric field can result in the NDC and a monopole domain formed by charge accumulation layer appears in superlattices .

  6. 发现当钢板采用流体弹塑性模型,并采用损伤积累层裂准则的情况下,计算所得的主裂片厚度是和实验结果合理地符合的。

    It is found out that , in case the elastic-ideally plastic model for steel plate and the cumulative damage spall criterion are used , the calculated thickness of the major spall is in reasonable agreement with that observed in the experiments .

  7. 为了避免求解复杂的偏微分方程并且得到解析的结果,这里采用了将场区等效为积累层电阻、扩展电阻、体电阻和漏极分布电阻的串联等效电路。

    In order to avoid the complex differential equations and get an analytic result , we provide an equivalent series circuit of the drift region , including the resistance of accumulation layer , the distributed resistance , the body resistance and the distributed resistance at drain .

  8. 不同治理措施群落的能量主要积累在乔木层中;

    The community energy of different management patterns was mainly accumulated in tree stratum .

  9. 不同治理模式群落的能量主要积累在乔木层中,其能量现存量大小顺序为模式>模式>模式,且均远大于对照;

    The standing crop of energy for different treatments were in the sequence of pattern ⅱ > pattern ⅲ > pattern ⅰ, and were far higher than that of control treatment , and mostly accumulated on tree stratum .

  10. 因此,本文通过一些机制效应的分析,力图建立起金融资本积累与现实积累的另一层联系,并在此抛砖引玉,以期学术界有更深入的相关研究。

    Therefore , through the analysis of some mechanism effect , this paper , trying to establish relationship between finance capital and the actual capital in another layer , and expecting academics have a more in-depth research in it .