
  • 网络positive suggestion
  1. 积极暗示,能够对人的心理、行为、情绪产生一定的积极影响。

    Positive hints have positive effects on men 's mentality , action and emotion .

  2. 积极暗示与大学新生教育

    Positive Hint and the Education of Freshmen

  3. 积极暗示在教学中的应用探讨

    Mainly discusses the architecture and principle of the . The Research on How to Use Positive Hints in Educational Practice

  4. 第三,作者在作品中用完全独立和开放的、充满精心设计各种积极暗示的环境取代传统枯燥的说教。

    Thirdly , independent and open environment rich in elaborately designed indications and revelations have replaced boring dogmatic teachings in the story .

  5. 积极心理暗示在ICU护理中的应用与分析

    The application and analysis of the use of positive psychological implication in ICU care

  6. 一些研究业已证明:运动员在比赛中使用积极自我暗示语可以有效地调整和控制心理状态。

    Some researches have proved that it is valid for athletes to use active suggestive words to adjust and control mental state .

  7. 波斯特深信,他能够重拾健康,有赖于“食用天然食物”与“积极心理暗示”的双重作用,他认为这一方法有着巨大的营销机遇。

    Post was convinced he owed his recovery to a combination of natural foods and positive mental suggestion , and that there were untold marketing opportunities in such an approach .

  8. 结论:从整体来讲,使用积极自我暗示语对改善大学生篮球运动员的比赛情景的认知水平是有效的,有角色重要性差异。

    Conclusions as follow : Generally speaking , the positive suggestive words are effective to better the cognitive level of CUBA players in the competitions , and the effect of the positive self-suggestion has the difference in pole importance .

  9. 随时随地做积极的自我暗示。

    Make positive self-suggestions whenever you can .

  10. 让自己放松,深呼吸,冥想,进行积极的自我暗示。

    Teach yourself to relax ; breathe deeply , meditate , use positive self-talk with yourself .

  11. 她的经历是一个很好的例子,用一些积极的自我暗示,来增强跑步的动力。

    Her experience is a great example of how a little positive self-talk can improve your running motivation .

  12. 他们始终愿意给予你最现实的支持,让你看到希望和机会,帮助你不断地得到积极的心理暗示。

    They 'd like to offer you the most practical support all the time , show you the hope and opportunities and help you constantly get positive psychological suggestion .

  13. 在传授声乐技艺的师生双边教学活动中,教师常常会借助声乐教学语言、体态语言、表情动作和范唱等方法、手段的帮助,对歌唱者实施积极的心理暗示,以提高歌唱教学训练效果。

    In the interactive teaching activities , teachers often use instructional language , body language , facial expressions and demonstrations to give learners positive psychological suggestion so as to improve the training of vocal music teaching activities .

  14. 当你控制注意力,使它集中在明确的主目标上,你就可以以它为媒介,积极地应用自我暗示。

    Controlled attention , when it is focused on the object of your definite major purpose , is the medium by which you positively apply the principle of autosuggestion .

  15. 励志书中谈到积极肯定的力量,让她灵感突发:于是她把自己的各种验证密码都改成了一些带有自我积极暗示的字词或句子,例如“imawe$some1”、“dogoodworktoday”等等。

    The books talked about the power of positive affirmation - which gave her an idea : She changed her various passwords to private messages to herself , like ' imawe $ some1 ' or ' dogoodworktoday . '