
  • 网络combination;Combination skin;mix skin
  1. 保护和恢复油性和混合性皮肤的平衡。

    Protects and rebalances OILY or COMBINATION skin .

  2. 适用:油性或混合性皮肤。

    Availability : Applicable for oily or combination skin .

  3. 混合性皮肤的护理关键在于均衡油脂分泌。

    Mixed skin nursing key equilibrium grease to secrete .

  4. 油性皮肤或混合性皮肤学生蠕形螨感染率及患酒渣鼻、痤疮等面部疾患的概率均较高。

    The students of oily and mixed skin have higher infection rate and more susceptible to acne and rosacea .

  5. 净化洁面胶适合所有皮肤类型尤其是普通油性及混合性皮肤并对暗疮形肌肤极为有效。

    Purify Facial Cleanser is recommended for all skin types , particularly normal , oily and combination skin and highly beneficial for blemished skin .

  6. 本系列产品适用于混合性油性皮肤护理。

    The series of products are applicable to mixed and oily skin care .

  7. 帮助皮脂腺分泌正常,预防粉刺生成,适合混合性和油性皮肤使用。

    Regulate sebum secretion , prevent acne outbreaks ; suitable for combination and oily skin .