
  1. MDA含量呈抛物状的变化规律,随着温度降低氧自由基积累,从而引发膜系统的脂质过氧化作用,导致MDA含量也随之增加。

    As the falling of temperature , oxygen free radical began to accumulate , which caused the peroxidation of membrane system , and also caused MDA content to increase .

  2. 对接受Nd∶YAG激光后发膜性白内障切开术的28眼随机分成0.5%噻吗心安组、2%匹罗卡品组和不同药对照组,观察术后眼压变化。

    Change of intraocular pressure ( IOP ) was observed in 28 eyes treated with 0.5 % timolol , 2 % pilocarpine following Nd : YAG laser posterior capsulotomy in a randomized study . Morbidity of IOP elevation was 100 % in control .

  3. 用无糖黑巧克力做一个发膜?

    A homemade hair mask made out of unsweetened dark chocolate ?

  4. Nd:YAG激光后发膜性白内障切开术后眼压升高的预防

    Prevention of Intraocular Pressure Elevation Following Neodymium-YAG Laser Posterior Capsulotomy

  5. 硅橡胶类渗透蒸发膜及其扩散特性的分子动力学模拟

    Molecular Dynamics Simulation on Silicon Rubber Pervaporation Membranes and Their Diffusion Properties

  6. 酞菁铜蒸发膜电导特性的电极效应

    Effect of electrode materials on V-I characteristics of evaporated films of copper phthalocyanine

  7. 在收款处领了两小包潘婷的发膜。

    At the cashier I got two small bags of Pantene Milky Treatment .

  8. 永存动脉干常常伴发膜性室间隔缺损。

    The persistent truncus is always accompanied by a membranous ventricular septal defect .

  9. 使用电吹风帮助发膜渗入头皮。

    Use a blow dryer to help the mask penetrate the hair cuticle .

  10. 用洗发水洗头发;洗头之前不要清洗掉发膜。

    Shampoo your hair ; do not rinse out the mask before washing .

  11. 为了获得最佳效果,每月两次使用这种发膜。

    Use this mask twice monthly for best results .

  12. Nd:YAG激光治疗后发膜性白内障临床观察

    Neodymium : YAG Laser for Post-operative Membrane Cataract

  13. 金制剂诱发膜性肾小球肾炎的病理观察

    Observation of nephropathy of membranous glomerulonephritis by gold

  14. 渗透蒸发膜及其在酯化反应过程中的应用

    PV Membrane and Its Use in Esterification

  15. 以苯乙烯、丙烯酸乙酯为单体进行乳液聚合,将聚合获得的乳胶直接浇铸制取乳胶渗透蒸发膜。

    The latex membrane was prepared by direct casting of polymer latex synthesized by emulsion polymerization .

  16. 洗发后挖出一个鸡蛋大小的发膜放在手掌上。

    After shampooing simply scoop out the equivalent of an egg into the palms of your hands .

  17. 每月至少一次使用护发发膜,让头发达到最佳状态。

    Use a conditioning hair mask at least once a month to keep those tresses looking their best .

  18. 也可以按摩在头发上,保持几个小时,像做发膜那样。

    You can even work it into your hair and keep it in for a few hours as a hair mask .

  19. 持续每次洗发后使用该发膜直到脱发有明显改善后,每周使用一次以稳固效果。

    Keep using this miracle treatment with every wash until hair improves , then use once a week to maintain gorgeous conditioned hair .

  20. 如果没有护发素的话,也可以用少许发膜,只要别让它在头发上停留二十分钟就行了。

    If you dont have conditioner , you can use a small amount of your hair mask just dont leave it for 20 minutes .

  21. 棘球蚴生发膜外表面和内表面出现许多陷窝,如同“溃疡”外观。

    Many pits were observed arising from the outer and interior surface of the germinal membrane as the outer surface of ulcer under scanning electron microscopy .

  22. 心肌缺血再灌注损伤与缺血诱发膜除极、电解质及电生理紊乱、能量代谢障碍、细胞内钙超负荷和自由基损伤有关。

    Myocardial ischemia / reperfusion injury is associated with membranous depolarization induced by ischemia , electrolyte and electrophysiological disturbance , energy metabolic disorder , intracellular Ca 2 + overload and free radical injury .

  23. 虽然在大多数品牌洗发水的产品使用说明上,都推荐我们用两遍洗发水后再使用护发素或者发膜,但我认为这只不过是诱导我们更快地用完他们的产品,然后再赶紧买新的。

    Although most shampoo brands instructions recommend us to shampoo hair twice before using a conditioner or a hair mask , I think its just a trick to make us use the product faster and spend money on a new one .

  24. 洗发本身并没什么难的你只需打湿头发、抹上洗发水、冲洗干净、再使用护发素或发膜、最后洗净即可。但是,有了合适的方法确实会让你事半功倍。

    Washing hair isnt a hard process you just wet , shampoo , rinse your hair , apply conditioner or hair mask and then again rinse , and thats it . Nothing complicated , but washing your hair properly can seriously make a difference .