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fā xínɡ zhǔn bèi jīn
  • reserve against notes
  1. 但由于以通货膨胀解决财政赤字对南京国民政府有强大的诱惑,所以在这一阶段的后期,南京国民政府已经有放松对发行准备金的监管的趋势但不明显。

    But because of the strong tempt to Nanjing of balancing the deficit by inflation , the inconspicuous institutional tendency of loosing supervision to the Issue Reserve appeared in the late of this stage .

  2. 法币改革以后,币制演进到不兑现本位体系,发行准备金制度对于纸币发行量的硬性约束转化为软性约束。

    After the Reforms of Chinese Legal Money , the institutions evolved into the system of Non-Convertibility Standard , which resulted in that the constraint of Institutions of Issue Reserve to the issuance amount was softened .

  3. 港币的发行制度和准备金制度,由法律规定。

    The system regarding the issue of Hong Kong currency and the reserve fund system shall be prescribed by law .

  4. 一个国家所拥有的黄金可作为银行所发行纸币的准备金,或作为纸币或其他债券的保证金。

    The gold a nation possesses may be figured as reserve behind actual bank notes issued , or as backing up these notes and other obligations .

  5. 为了防止银行发行其他未规定准备金率的债务来逃避准备金要求,《1980年货币控制法》还赋予美联储对任何非存款资金来源施加准备金要求的权力。

    To prevent banks from evading reserve requirements by issuing other , non-reserved liabilities , the MCA also gave the Fed powers to impose reserves on any non-deposit funding source .

  6. 南京国民政府是从货币本位制度、货币发行权制度和发行准备金制度三方面进行改革以稳定币值的。

    In order to stabilize the currency value , Nanjing conducted the Reforms from three institutional aspects which is the Institutions of Monetary Standard , the Institutions of Issuance of Currency and the Institutions of Issue Reserve .

  7. 介绍了货币发行的涵义、种类、发行渠道与程序以及货币发行的准备金制度。

    We introduce the contents , categories , channels and procedures of currency issuance , and its reserve institutions .

  8. 为保证发行准备的安全,上海分行于1924年将领券行庄缴纳的准备金专库存储,公开检查,并于1928年公开检查全部发行准备金。

    In order to safeguard issuing reserve , from 1924 , Shanghai branch put reserves turned by banks and native banks to take notes in special storehouse , and checked publicly .