
  1. 他们与岛上的居民以物易物(以换得米)。

    They bartered with the islan-ders ( for rice ) .

  2. 新得米先可溶性粉中新霉素测定方法的研究

    Study on the determination of neomycin in Neo-Terramycin soluble powder

  3. 该软件能迅速读入数字化米粒图像,快速、客观、准确地测得米样的垩白度。

    The software can read the digital images of rice samples and measure the chalkiness index quickly , objectively and accurately .

  4. 他得八百米赛跑第二名。

    He came in second in the 800 meter race .

  5. 而且得过800米的分组冠军。

    And I was division champion in the800 meters .

  6. 一般认为要形成那么大的一个陨石坑,陨石直径至少得有1米(3英尺)。

    It is thought the meteorite would have to have been at least1m ( 3ft ) in diameter to create a crater that size .

  7. 我可以在8米处让苹果坠落,也可以在2米处,依此可得,8米处掉落的时间将是,2米处的两倍。

    I can drop an apple from eight meters and another one from two meters and the one from eight meters will take two times longer than the one from two meters .

  8. 而我们现在能相对安全得深入地球几千米。

    We can now descend thousands of meters into the Earth with relative impunity .

  9. 通过反复试验得出生产鱼糜米粉丝的最佳原料配方及生产工艺。

    Through the experience we found the best formula and the technological processes The high qualitaty product with unique flavor was obtained using the above technical conditions .

  10. 然而,面对主任那威风凛凛的“公公”脸,我只得如小媳妇般将头点得如鸡啄米似的。

    However , at sight of his awe-inspiring face , I felt as if he were my stern-faced father-in-law . I could do nothing but nod my head like a chick pecking at rice .

  11. 要做出这个决定可不容易,他们得在朱诺、米诺瓦、和维纳斯中做出选择,这个任务交给了帕里斯,他决定将金苹果授予维纳斯,朱诺和米诺瓦都很生气,就威胁他,由此引发了漫长的特洛伊之战。

    It was not an easy decision to make . How could they choose among Juno , Minerva and Venus . Paris was given the task of deciding . He decided to give the golden apple to Venus . Juno and Minerva were very angry and threatened him . This , the myth says , began the long Trojan war .