
  • 网络Tirzah
  1. 一个是得撒王。共计三十一个王。

    The king of Tirzah , one : all the kings thirty and one .

  2. 巴沙与他列祖同睡,葬在得撒。他儿子以拉接续他作王。

    And Baasha slept with his fathers and was buried at Tirzah , and Elah his son reigned in his place .

  3. 巴沙听见,就停工不修筑拉玛了,仍住在得撒。

    And baasha , hearing of it , put a stop to the building of ramah , and was living in tirzah .

  4. 当他到达我家后,把东西往地上一扔,然后说,“我得撒泡尿,你家的淋浴在哪?”

    Upon arriving , he tossed his stuff on the floor and said " I gotta take a piss , where 's your shower ?"

  5. 犹大王亚撒三十一年,暗利登基作以色列王共十二年;他在得撒作王六年。

    In the thirty-first year of Asa the king of Judah Omri began to reign over Israel for twelve years ; he reigned six years in tirzah .

  6. 犹大王亚撒第三年,亚希雅的儿子巴沙在得撒登基作以色列众人的王共二十四年。

    In the third year of Asa king of Judah , Baasha the son of Ahijah began to reign over all Israel at Tirzah , and he reigned twenty-four years .

  7. 迦底的儿子米拿现从得撒上撒玛利亚,杀了雅比的儿子沙龙,篡了他的位。

    For Menahem the son of Gadi went up from Tirzah , and came to Samaria , and smote Shallum the son of Jabesh in Samaria , and slew him , and reigned in his stead .

  8. 玛拿西的玄孙,玛吉的曾孙,基列的孙子,希弗的儿子西罗非哈没有儿子,只有女儿。他的女儿名叫玛拉,挪阿,曷拉,密迦,得撒。

    Now Zelophehad son of Hepher , the son of Gilead , the son of Makir , the son of Manasseh , had no sons but only daughters , whose names were Mahlah , Noah , Hoglah , Milcah and Tirzah .

  9. 我得去撒个尿。

    I should take a leak .

  10. 亲爱的,你得把网撒大一点。

    Honey , you gotta put more bets on the table .

  11. 好了,我得先去撒泡晨尿。

    All right , well , I have to go take my morning tinkle .

  12. 又把它磨得粉碎,撒在水面上,叫以色列人喝。

    The Bible tells us Moses then ground it into powder , sprinkled the powder on the water and made the people of Israel drink it .

  13. 又将他们所铸的牛犊用火焚烧,磨得粉碎,撒在水面上,叫以色列人喝。

    And he took the calf they had made and burned it in the fire ; then he ground it to powder , scattered it on the water and made the Israelites drink it .