
dé tiān xià
  • unite the country and ascend the throne
  1. 你想搞得天下皆知吗?

    How are you going to get around that ?

  2. 作为以畜牧起家,以马上得天下的封建王朝,畜牧业及马政在元代占有非常重要的地位。

    Animal husbandry and horse policy played a significant role in Yuan , since the original financial support of Yuan relied on animal husbandry and Mongol constituted their regime by the war on horse .

  3. 这两所学校的学生属于世界上最聪明的学生之列而且比他们的教授要聪明得多天下聪明人都有很多共同点。

    The students in these two schools are among the smartest in the world much smarter than their professors , by the way and smart people everywhere have a lot in common .

  4. 得农村者得天下&对开拓我国农村市场营销策略的思考

    The Ponder of Developing Our Country Rural Market Marketing Strategy

  5. 得渠道者得天下,抢占渠道就等于抢占了客户,抢占了市场。

    Grab the channels means get the customers , and seize the market .

  6. 得标准者得天下

    The Man Who Gain Standard Will Gain the World

  7. 游园会正开得起劲时,天下起雨来。

    It began to rain when the garden party was in full swing .

  8. 在目前的成品油销售终端的竞争中,大有得终端者得天下之势,但过高的终端开发费用使企业(尤其是两大石油集团)资本负担沉重。

    But the overhigh development expense of sales end burden the two petroleum enterprises .

  9. 未来企业的竞争不仅是产品的竞争,更是营销通路的竞争,得通路者得天下。

    The future corporate competition is primarily on marketing channels rather than on products .

  10. 自古以来,我国就十分重视人才,所谓“得人才则得天下”就是这种思想最集中的概括。

    Great importance has been attached to qualified personnel in our nation since ancient time .

  11. 一个人要想出人头地,就得自己去打天下。

    A man has to strike out for himself if he wants to get ahead .

  12. 得人心者得天下,做下属敬佩的领导将使管理事半功倍。

    Very popular in the world , a subordinate admired leader will make the management more .

  13. 营销渠道的决策与管理在市场营销组合中占有重要的地位,俗话说得渠道者得天下。

    The decision-making and the management of the marketing channel play a significant part in the marketing combination .

  14. 正所谓得人才者得天下,得人才者得发展。

    Is the so-called " thosewho have talent get the world , those who have talent get development " .

  15. 以市场为导向,已经成为现代企业最高的管理哲学,得市场者得天下。

    To navigate business by market has become the highest philosophy in management as whoever gains market will be successful .

  16. 高端润滑油市场的占有率将最终决定润滑油企业的市场地位和利润水平,从某种意义上说,润滑油市场得高端者得天下。

    Market share of top tier lubricants will finally determine the market position and profit level of lubricating oil companies .

  17. 田径是运动之母,得田径者得天下。

    The track and field is mother of the movement , results in the track and field to result in the world .

  18. 面对如今的高考形势,有人断言得作文者得天下。

    Facing the situation in the college entrance examination , some asserted that " the world belongs to those who write well " .

  19. 自古中原多豪杰得民心者得天下&新乡牧野文化浅说

    Many Heroes in Central Plains since Ancient Times , of Whom the Popular One Wins the World & An Introduction to Muye Culture

  20. 得渠道者得天下。电信运营商竞争越来越激烈,社会渠道必然成为保持竞争力的根本性力量。

    " a channel for all bidders . " Carriers more and more intense competition , channels of society will inevitably become fundamental to remain competitive .

  21. 营销力在企业的竞争力建设中非常重要,营销渠道决策又是营销中的重要决策之一,所谓得渠道者得天下。

    Sales force in the construction of enterprises is very important . Marketing decision-making is one of the important decisions and the so-called channel bidders are the world .

  22. 营销渠道是电信运营商的重要战略资源,渠道为王的时代,得渠道者得天下。

    Marketing channels are important strategy resource of the telecom operators , in the era of that the channel being the king , who gets channel win the world .

  23. “得渠道者得天下”,2009年,惠达营销体系进行了渠道扁平化探索。

    Wang Yanqing ( President of Tangshan Huida Group )" He who has channels will win in competition ", in2009 , Huida launched the exploration of flattening in marketing channels .

  24. 所谓得渠道者得天下,广泛、稳定、高效的渠道体系不仅是赢得市场竞争的一把利剑,更是赢得客户的重要武器。

    A broad , stable and efficient channel system is not only a sword to win the market competition , it is also a key protection to win customer trust and loyalty .

  25. 在汽车行业中,得渠道者得天下,谁能掌控其营销渠道,谁就能拥有更多的市场份额。

    In the automotive industry , the " World to those who have the channel ", who can control their marketing channels , who will be able to have more market share .

  26. 古人云:“得中原者得天下”,许昌在中国历史上是兵家逐鹿之地,如今是商家投资的热土。

    Our forefathers said : " persons in the world in China ," Xu soldier in the fight for the throne of China 's history , is now the hot spot for investment businesses .

  27. 所谓得渠道者赢天下就是这个道理。本文的研究目的是对汽车行业营销渠道的优化策略,经销商能力提升策略提出参考建议。

    This is the truth of so-called " the channel wins the world " . The research purpose of this paper is to raise some suggestions on automobile sales channel optimizing strategies and dealer capability upgrade strategies .

  28. 当然,目标营销仅有贡献大客户企业主要的订单源是不够的,目标客户还应包括:忠诚老客户得人心者得天下;

    Certainly , the target marketing has only " contribute the big customer - Main order source of business enterprise " is not enough , target the customer should still include : honest old customer - the popular conquer the world ;

  29. 中国自古以来就有得民心者得天下的说法,尤其是在近代,农民是我国的主要组成部分,谁能够取得农民的信任,谁就有了执政的基础。

    There is a view that who get the heart of people who get the world from ancient in China . Especially in modern times , farmers are our main component , who can obtain farmers trust , who have the ruling foundation .

  30. 据统计,在中国市场上,75%以上的产品是通过渠道进行销售的,渠道销售起到了关键作用,可以说,得渠道者得天下。

    According to the statistical data , over 75 % products are sold out through channels in our domestic market and channel sale plays a key role here , we can say , the company which has channel is all over the world .