
dà lǎ ba
  • Loudspeaker;typhon;tyfon
大喇叭[dà lǎ ba]
  1. 以前用在机动车辆上的一种大喇叭。

    A kind of loud horn formerly used on motor vehicles .

  2. “大喇叭没有秘密!”司机也笑了。

    " Big trumpet has no secret !" The driver laughed , too .

  3. 早上六点钟,建筑工人在我的房子外面跟着大喇叭播放的音乐跳起了伸展体操&这在西伦敦可是非常少见的。

    Building workers did group calisthenics to piped music outside my house at6am – something you don 't see often in west London .

  4. 也许动物园过会儿就得通过大喇叭发布那条多少年来一直让许多父母感到羞愧的公告。

    Maybe the zoo was going to have to make one of those announcements over the loudspeaker that has shamed so many parents over the years .

  5. 接着他们用清真寺的大喇叭,一般用来宣礼的,把他们的呼唤响遍全城。

    They then used the mosque 's loud speaker system , normally used to call people to prayer , to broadcast their chants across the city .

  6. 在这个“看见屋,走到哭”的偏远山寨,大喇叭的宣传让居住分散的村民听到“麻风病”就吓破了胆。

    In this " house to see , go cry " remote cottage , big horn publicizing the scattered villagers heard the " leprosy " to terrified .

  7. 伊拉克国民军通过大喇叭呼吁人民举白旗离开他们的家园,带着他们所有的财物。

    The Iraqi National Guard used loudspeakers to call on people to get out of the houses carrying white flags , bringing all their belongings with them .

  8. 我又想起悬崖上大喇叭里的那些充满哀伤语气的劝词:到我们这边来,你会梦想成真,不知邓丽君再世,会如何理解这一切?

    I thought back to those plaintive cliff top exhortations , Just come here and realise your dreams , and wondered what Teresa Teng would make of it all .

  9. 我又想起悬崖上大喇叭里的那些充满哀伤语气的劝词:“到我们这边来,你会梦想成真,”不知邓丽君再世,会如何理解这一切?

    I thought back to those plaintive cliff top exhortations , " Just come here and realise your dreams , " and wondered what Teresa Teng would make of it all .

  10. 收音机当时还没见过,只是街头电线杆子上安了个大喇叭,广播些讲话、唱歌之类的节目。

    I had not seen a radio , but only the loudspeakers hanging on the telegraph poles in the street , from where we could listen to the programs of speaking and singing .

  11. 在平时人气颇高的购物区铜锣湾,几十名整夜坚守的抗议者被消防部门和警方的大喇叭广播吵到凌晨3时才得以小睡片刻。

    Across town in Causeway Bay , a popular shopping district , the few dozen protesters who camped overnight were kept awake until 3am by announcements from the fire department and the police .

  12. 金门离大陆最近的地方只有一英里,在接下来的30多年时间里,金门不断遭到大陆炮火的无情打击,悬崖顶上的大喇叭就是对大陆作宣传之用的。

    At its closest point , it is just over a mile from the mainland . For the next 30-odd years Kinmen was shelled remorselessly by China ; and the cliff-top sirens did their thing .

  13. 所以,下次办公室那个大喇叭又说,她怀疑新来的女孩食欲过盛时,通过赞美她来转移话题,例如,“你是不是减肥了?你的身材看上去很好哦。”她听到会心里会非常舒服,完全忘记自己刚才传播的流言。

    So the next time the office tattler starts to share her suspicions that the new girl is bulimic , make a complimentary transition like , " Have you lost weight ? You look terrific . " She 'll be so flattered she 'll completely forget what she was saying .

  14. 人们开车经过时大按喇叭。

    People honked their horns as they drove past .

  15. 另一个需要改变的地方如果你早上六点停在别人家门口然后大按喇叭让他们出来你的车应该爆炸

    Another change , if you pull up outside at someone 's house at six in the morning and honk for them to come out , your car should explode .

  16. 整个天线的结构比较长,如果直接缩小喇叭的长度,就会因大的喇叭口径张角而增加相位误差,进而导致天线的增益下降。

    However , the horn size was very long , if cut down the size of antenna horn directly , it should increase the phase error at the aperture because of large flare angle which caused gain decrease .

  17. 航空磁力异常特征主要反映为两大片正磁异常及一大片负磁异常,其总的形态呈一个大的喇叭状,西部张开,东部收敛。

    Aeromagnetic anomalies mainly show characteristics of positive magnetic anomalies of two large areas and negative magnetic anomalies of one large area . The general figure of anomalies is in shape of a big trumpet with convergence from west to east .

  18. 我站立在悬崖顶上,眺望着面朝大海、足有小型公寓楼大的一个大喇叭。

    I was standing on top of a cliff looking at a loudspeaker the size of a small block of flats facing out to sea .

  19. 有时候,有些人只要一打电话就会开启大嗓门模式,就好像他们并不是靠手机信号来传输自己的声音,而是在通过大喇叭传话一样。

    Sometimes , some people just cannot help yelling1 whenever they are on the phone , it seems that their voice is not transmitted through phone signal but via a speaker .