
  • 网络Street Culture
  1. 明代晚期市井文化与书籍装帧艺术风格的发展

    The Street Culture of Late Ming Dynasty and the Development of Art Style in Book Design

  2. 本文从明代晚期市井文化入手,就市井文化对当时书籍装帧艺术风格的影响作一探讨。

    This thesis focuses particularly on the manifold impact of street culture in late Ming Dynasty in regard to the art style of book design .

  3. 北京市井文化和风俗民情引人关注;

    Beijing 's marketplace culture and folk customs are fascinating .

  4. 妓女是市井文化的产物。

    The prostitute is the product of marketplace culture .

  5. 因此在她的作品中,常常表现出精英文化与市井文化间的矛盾冲突。

    Therefore , her works often show the conflicts between elite culture and urban cultures .

  6. 一幅幅生动的画面无须描述,无须解释,便是市井文化最动人的面貌。

    There is no need to explain these vivid photos , and this is the most charming appearance .

  7. 市井文化是中华传统文化的重要组成部分,市井艺术正是对这种文化的充分体现。

    Marketplace culture is an important component of traditional Chinese culture , which is fully demonstrated by marketplace art .

  8. 两个韩翃形象的比较&看市井文化对元杂剧书生形象的影响

    Comparison Between Two Images of Han Hong : Influence of Pop Culture upon the Images of the Scholars in the Yuan Drama

  9. 该文主要从儒家文化和市井文化的角度来论述元杂剧的妇女形象。

    : This paper discusses mainly the women images of the Yuan Opera in the perspectives of Confucian culture and pop culture .

  10. 《老城厢的市井文化》市井文化,是我一直都喜爱的文化氛围。富有人情味儿,生气勃勃。

    Marketplace culture of the old town Marketplace culture is always my favorite cultural atmosphere , full of human interest and vitality .

  11. 这些俗曲,不仅是市井文化的一道亮丽风景,也和文人词曲的创作不无关系。

    The songs were dedicated to the creation of the composer 's work , consisting of main part of the Song-Yuan culture of that day .

  12. 笔者认为,由于古代都市的政治性本质,唐代诗人在平日与市井文化形成对视,在诗歌中谨慎保持与世俗趣味的距离。

    I believe that the poets format an opposite attitude to pop Culture in normal days because of the political nature of the ancient city .

  13. 军旅作家阎连科除了书写部队生活之外,还写了不少农村生活题材的小说和描写市井文化风情的小说。

    The army writer Yan Lianke not only writes stories about the army life , but also novels about life in rural areas and of common people .

  14. 招幌是中国传统商业文化的精髓,它产生于民间创作,在市井文化的熏陶下发展成为民族传统的视觉传达艺术。

    Signboard is the essence of traditional Chinese of commercial culture ; Under the influence of culture , it for development with the national characteristics of visual art .

  15. 作为知识分子的池莉,在心理上反而更加认同于市井文化所展示出的强悍生命力,但又无法完全抛开自我所受的城市文明的熏陶。

    Chi Li as an intellectual , psychologically shows more recognition in powerful vitality demonstrated by the Pop Culture , but can not completely cast aside the self-nurturing of urban civilization .

  16. 明末市井文化发展到相当繁荣的地步,词汇现象也有自己的特色,这一切都在《词话》中得到反映。

    The late Ming and Pop Culture prosperity and development to a considerable extent , vocabulary phenomenon also has its own characteristics , all this reflected in the work of " Jinpingmei Cihua " .

  17. 池莉的很多小说都充满了文化冲突,如传统农业文化与城镇商业文化、城市文化与游牧民族宗教文化、市井文化与知识分子文化、商业文化与知识分子文化的冲突等。

    There are riddled with cultural conflicts in much novels of writer chili , such as conflict between traditional agricultural and cities commercial culture , cities culture and religious culture of nomadic people , urban culture and intellectual culture etc.

  18. 同时,它又是武汉历史的见证,富有商业文化、中西文化、市井文化以及革命文化多元意蕴,具有独特的汉派风味。

    Meanwhile , it is the witness of history in Wuhan , rich in the commercial culture , Chinese and Western culture , citizen 's culture and revolutionary plural purpose of culture to accumulate , with unique Han style .

  19. 宋代市井音乐文化的形成与形态

    The Forming and Formations of Town Music Culture in Song Dynasty

  20. 城市以街道的形式诠释着市井形态、文化风貌和时尚风格。

    The street style explains the morphology , cultural interpretation and the fashion style of the city .

  21. 通过介绍现实主义的起源及其在中国油画领域的发展概况,阐述市井及市井文化的内涵,得出这样一个尖锐的社会现实:物质扩张和急功近利背后的人性缺失。

    By introducing the origin and realistic painting field in China , this paper expounds the development situation of " civic " and " civic culture " connotation , concludes a sharp social reality : material expansion and hasting lack of humanity behind .

  22. 乡村情感与市井故事&从文化背景反思武汉都市文学的缺失

    Title : Rustic Affection and Urban Stories & the weakness of Wuhan Metropolis Literature from the cultural background