
  1. 研究表明实际利用外资额对专利申请量有着显著的正面效应。

    The study shows that FDI does have positive and strong effects on all patent applications .

  2. 教育经费支出、实际利用外资额、人力资本以及固定资产投资与人均生产总值呈正相关,促进了经济。

    There was positively correlated between education budget , actual utilization of foreign capital , human capital , investment in fixed assets and per capita GDP .

  3. 自2000年到2009年,我国农业利用外资的投资项目数累计达到了9799个,实际利用外资额接近96亿美元。

    Between 2000 and 2009 , the investment projects of agricultural foreign investment had totally reached 9799 and the foreign capitals actually utilized stood at 96 billion US dollars .

  4. 截止2005年底,中国合同利用外资额达到12854.27亿美元,实际利用外资额为6207.2亿美元。

    By the end of 2005 , Contracted foreign direct investment has reached 1285.427 billion US dollars , and realized foreign direct investment has achieved 620.72 billion US dollars in China .

  5. 在实证部分,关于利用外资的指标本文全部采用的是实际利用外资额,并采用历年平均汇率对其进行换算,以增强说服力。

    Third , in the empirical part , all the target of foreign capital used in the actual utilization of foreign capital and using an average exchange rate over the years converted them to the viewers .