
  • 网络experimental social psychology;E.S.P.
  1. 这项发表在《实验社会心理学杂志》(JournalofExperimentalSocialPsychology)网站上的研究结果是从两个相关的实验中得来的。

    The findings , published online in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology , were gathered from two related experiments .

  2. 上述是一项名为《Lextalionis:睾丸激素与报复定律》的研究得出的结论。该研究将会发布在下一期的《实验社会心理学杂志》上。

    That 's the conclusion of an intriguing study called " Lex talionis : Testosterone and the law of retaliation , " to be published in a forthcoming issue of the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 。

  3. 这可是根据《实验社会心理学杂志》上刊登的一项研究得出的结果哦。

    Thats according to a study in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology .

  4. 这些都是依据《实验社会心理学杂志》上的一篇研究得来的。

    That 's according to a study in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology .

  5. 欧洲实验社会心理学协会

    European Association of Experimental Social Psychology

  6. 实验社会心理学杂志

    Journal of Experimental Social Psychology

  7. 他们的研究发表在《实验社会心理学杂志》上,研究结果还表明,简单的名字可以提高人们交到新朋友的能力。

    Their study , published in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology , also found a simple name improved people 's ability to make new friends .

  8. 去年刊登在《实验社会心理学期刊》的一份研究报告显示:人们收到之前明确表示过想要的礼物时,会更感动。

    People are more appreciative when they receive a gift they have explicitly requested , said a study published last year in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology .

  9. 西北大学的心理学副教授埃里?芬克尔说:“我们低估了自己承受失恋痛苦的能力。”该研究结果在《实验社会心理学期刊》的网站上公布。

    We underestimate our ability to survive heartbreak , said Eli finkel , an assistant professor of psychology at Northwestern university , whose study appears online in the Journal of experimental social psychology .

  10. 该项研究由《实验社会心理学杂志》出版,其中涉及两项对在职已婚成人的调查。在调查中,研究人员询问他们对自己婚姻的满意度,并请他们按1分到9分的标准给自己的婚姻打分。

    The study , published in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology , involved two surveys of married working adults , with participants asked how happy they were with their marriage and how satisfied they were with their spouse on a scale of one to nine .

  11. 我想到《实验社会心理学杂志》上新刊登的一篇论文,该文发现:当一个独立专门小组通过照片对个人魅力进行评估时,那些被认为极具魅力的人在同性评估者的眼中不再具有“美貌优势”。

    Consider a new paper in the Journal of Experimental and Social Psychology that found that when attractive people - as determined by what an independent panel thought of their pictures - are evaluated by members of their own sex , the " beauty premium " disappears .

  12. 此项研究已收入《实验性社会心理学》期刊中。

    The work appears in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology .

  13. 大部分是实验与社会心理学,相关主题包括生物学、哲学、语言学、经济学、人类学、以及艺术。

    Largely experimental and social psychology , with relevant ideas from biology , philosophy , linguistics , economics , anthropology , and the arts .

  14. 研究结果发表在《实验与社会心理学期刊》上,研究人员认为也许是因为男性在想法设法吸引漂亮女性时,消耗了太多的脑功能或“认知资源”。

    Researchers who carried out the study , published in the Journal of Experimental and Social Psychology , think the reason may be that men use up so much of their brain function or " cognitive resources " trying to impress beautiful women , they have little left for other tasks .

  15. 记忆:实验研究的社会心理学

    Remembering : A Study in Experimental and Social Psychology

  16. 这个实验,是社会心理学史上最有名的实验。

    This is one of the most famous experiments in the history of social psychology .