
shí gàn jīnɡ shen
  • spirit of working in earnest;workhorse spirit
  1. 他们都是富有实干精神的学者,在学术上,我可以佩服他们。

    They were all scholars of action and we appreciate them for their academic studies .

  2. 有一批富有经验和实干精神的专业技术人才和经营管理人才。

    A group of experienced and pragmatic spirit of the professional and technical personnel and management personnel .

  3. 还指出了本专业建设更需要求真务实的实干精神和智力投入及其专业建设研究中的其它不足问题。

    The paper also reveals some other problems and suggests that the specialty construction needs actual practices and intellect devotion .

  4. 老板知道她是公司里有实干精神的人之一,所以她很容易地就能承担起新的工作。

    The boss knew she was one of the doers in the company so she could easily take on a new project .

  5. 优良的工作环境以及良好的激励机制,吸引了一批年轻的、有学识的、具有实干精神的人才。

    Based on Hostile working environment and effective incentive mechanism , the company appeals a group of young , knowledge and practical talented people .

  6. 我深刻体会到,鲁滨逊有如此丰富多彩的经历,与他的实干精神和坚强性格是分不开的。

    I should have realized that Robinson has such a rich and varied experience and his strong personality and the spirit of hard work are inseparable .

  7. 这种精神主要体现在树立远大的奋斗目标,艰苦奋斗和独立自主的实干精神以及积极参与各种实践和实习活动这三个方面。

    It is mainly reflected from three aspects : setting ambitious goals , independent spirit of hard working and active participation in a variety of practice and internships .

  8. 在与《河南商报》的采访中,校方领导孙朋说,劳动可以锻炼意志,并培养实干精神。

    In his interview with The Henan Economic Daily , Mr. Sun , the university official , said that labor was good for building character and fostered the spirit of hard work .

  9. 在与《河南商报》的采访中,校方领导孙朋说,劳动可以锻炼意志,并培养“实干精神”。

    In his interview with The Henan Economic Daily , Mr. Sun , the university official , said that labor was good for building character and fostered " the spirit of hard work . "

  10. 自创办之日起就以“精,诚,实,稳的实干精神”为立厂之本。不但创新,旨在打造中国一流的家具品牌。

    Since the founding of the date of the " fine , sincere , solid , stable hard-working Spirit " of the legislation works , continuously innovate , to build China 's first-class furniture brand .

  11. 牛是实干,拼搏精神的象征,开拓创新,锐新进取,冲破一切潘篱打造全新天地。

    Ox is hard work , and fighting spirit of symbol , and expand creative , sharp new enterprising , sorriness pan hedgerow create new heaven and earth .

  12. 我们以实干实战的精神赢得消费者的赞誉,以不断创新的精神在竞争中稳步发展。

    We win our reputation from the customers on the spirit of practical and well do , and we develop stably in the competition on the spirit of innovation .