
  • 网络The happy Prince
  1. 我是快乐王子,他响应道。

    I am the Happy Prince , @ he answered back .

  2. 快乐王子对燕子的这个想法很不悦。

    The Happy Prince was not very happy about that idea .

  3. 快乐王子:天使与雕像

    The Angel and the Statue of the Prince Stone Image Statue

  4. 他告诉快乐王子每个人又重现了欢颜。

    He told the Happy Prince that everyone looked happy again .

  5. 快乐王子,您已没有宝石可再施舍了。

    You have no more gems to give , Happy Prince .

  6. 快乐王子从未梦想哭什么。

    The Happy Prince never dreams of crying for anything .

  7. 快乐王子全身是纯金包的。

    The Happy Prince was covered entirely with pure gold .

  8. 城市中的人们都很喜欢快乐王子的雕像。

    Everyone in the city likes the statue of the happy prince .

  9. 快乐王子想了一下。

    The happy prince thought about it for a while .

  10. 突然间,快乐王子想到一个棒点子。

    Suddenly , the Happy Prince had a brilliant idea .

  11. 快乐王子知道燕子的话是对的。

    The Happy Prince knew that the swallow was right .

  12. 她把燕子和快乐王子的心带来献给上帝。

    She brought the swallow and the Happy Prince 's heart to God .

  13. 他很快在快乐王子的双脚之间筑了个巢。

    He built a nest quickly between the feet of the Happy Prince .

  14. 水滴是从快乐王子身上掉下来的!

    It was coming from the happy prince himself !

  15. 阿索尔公爵的祖先站在快乐王子查理的一边作战。

    The Duke of Atholl 's ancestor fought on Bonnie Prince Charlie 's side .

  16. 那是快乐王子的心脏所发出来的声音。

    It was the Happy Prince 's heart .

  17. 当晚快乐王子及燕子睡得并不好。

    That night the Happy Prince and the swallow did not sleep very well .

  18. 即使流着眼泪,月光下的快乐王子仍然一副英俊挺拔的样子。

    Even with the tears , the Happy Prince looked handsome in the moonlight .

  19. 从前我是一个快乐王子。

    Before I was a happy prince .

  20. 快乐王子心情很难过。

    The Happy Prince felt very bad .

  21. 快乐王子一副很悲伤的表情。

    The Happy Prince looked very sad .

  22. 燕子飞回快乐王子的身边时,一语不发。

    When the swallow got back to the Happy Prince , he was very quiet .

  23. 他们称我为‘快乐王子’。

    They called me the Happy Prince .

  24. 快乐王子及其它故事

    The Happy Prince and Other Tales

  25. 但是请通知快乐王子,我们的行程很紧。

    But please inform prince " happy " that we are on a very tight schedule .

  26. 你为何不多学学快乐王子的样子?一位妈妈大声叫道。

    Why can 't you be more like the Happy Prince ? @ yelled a mother .

  27. 他回到快乐王子身边时,心情好多了。

    When he returned to the Happy Prince , he was in a much better mood .

  28. 《快乐王子》的语料库检索分析

    Concordance of The Happy Prince

  29. 这座雕像名为“快乐王子”,许多人远从各地前来瞻仰他。

    He was called the Happy Prince and many people from far away came to see him .

  30. 因此他决定无论如何要向快乐王子道别前往埃及去。

    So he determined to say goodbye to the Happy Prince and leave for Egypt no matter what .