
  1. 快行的蛋白质分子量为16.695。

    The faster protein has a molecular weight of 16.695 .

  2. 高速公路上的快行线。

    Express lanes on a freeway .

  3. 在本文中,首先回顾了小波发展的历史,然后讨论了滤波算法,较详细了分析了快速傅立叶算法、快行滤波算法和分布式算法,在此基础上,简要的讨论了小波变换的单层分解。

    In this article , we firstly review the history that Wavelet developed , after that , we discuss filter algorithm including FFT algorithm , Fast-running algorithm and Distributed algorithm .

  4. 去吧,快行的使者们,到高大的、青铜肤色的民那里去,到一个总是令人畏惧的国家去,到强大骄傲的民那里去,他们的国家河流纵横交错。

    Go , swift messengers , go to a people tall and smooth-skinned , to a people dreaded near and far , a nation strong and proud , whose land is scoured rivers .

  5. 到那日、耶和华必用他刚硬有力的大刀、刑罚鳄鱼、就是那快行的蛇、刑罚鳄鱼就是那曲行的蛇.并杀海中的大鱼。

    In that day the LORD with his sore and great and strong sword shall punish leviathan the piercing serpent , even leviathan that crooked serpent ; and he shall slay the dragon that is in the sea .

  6. 后来,他又用计谋从另一个巨人那里骗得了四件宝物:隐身衣、知识帽、快行鞋、无敌剑。披上隐身衣,敌人就看不见他;戴上知识帽,他就无所不知;

    Later he got from another giant four marvelous things - again by using tricks . The four things were an invisible coat , a cap of wisdom , shoes of swiftness , and a resistless sword . When he put on his coat no eye could see him ;

  7. 这样不行,要很快才行。

    This ain 't gonna work , it needs to be quick .

  8. 要知道(姚明)那个大个很接近篮筐,你想盖他,就得非常快才行!

    That 's a big guy and he 's so close to the rim you have to jump so quick to get it .

  9. 他的朋友回答道:“我不用跑得过它,我只要跑得比你快就行了。”

    His friend replies : " I don 't have to out run it , I just have to run faster than you . "

  10. 电脑能轻易打败人脑是因为这相对来说太容易了。电脑并不需要足够聪明来赢得象棋比赛,它只需要足够快就行。

    Computers can easily beat humans because it is way less complicated.Computers don 't need to be smart to win at chess , they just need to be fast .

  11. 暑假里,它载着我叔叔一家人,从苏格兰一路玩到西班牙,再折返回来。它还展现出相当快的行速,能够轻松胜过我爸的雷诺12。

    It carried my cousins and their parents all the way from Scotland to Spain and back again on ambitious summer holidays , but could also display a useful turn of speed , outgunning my dad 's Renault 12 with some ease .

  12. 2008年,刘特佐把一些中东资金引入马来西亚时,帮助马来西亚银行兴业资本(RHBCapital)从阿布扎比商业银行(AbuDhabiCommercialBank)筹集了资金。阿鲁很快就成为该行的一名高管。

    In 2008 , as Mr. Low was working to bring Middle Eastern money to Malaysia , he helped a Malaysian bank , RHB Capital , raise money from the Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank , where Mr. Arul soon became an executive .

  13. 这东西我只要很快擦擦干净就行了。

    I 'll just give this a quick rub .

  14. 并以上海某市域快速轨道交通线为例,通过计算机仿真铺画列车运行图的方法,对开行快慢车后越行地点的选择以及列车始发的均衡性问题进行了分析研究。

    Finally , this paper studies the problem of the selection of overtaking station and the proportion of train interval by computor simulation of train graph making on Shanghai urban rail transit line .

  15. 一切都发生得非常快,所以我要捕捉到镜头也必须非常快才行。

    This all happened in seconds , so I had to react very very fast .

  16. 它也许没那么快,但是在很多情况下,这并不是问题;例如,用户界面只需要比用户的键盘输入或鼠标动作快就行了。

    It may not run faster , but in many cases , that 's not an issue ; user interfaces , for instance , only have to run faster than the user can type or mouse .