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  • 网络more money
  1. “某些人钱多但无头脑,”温斯顿曾经评论道。

    ' Some people have more money than sense , ' Winston had remarked

  2. 他比我的钱多。

    He has more money than I have .

  3. 她比你挣的钱多,你是不是觉得不自在?

    Does it bother you that she earns more than you ?

  4. 他们可以想去哪儿就去哪儿,谁给的钱多就给谁干活儿。

    They could wander where they wished and take jobs from who paid best .

  5. 而且,他比你父亲赚的钱多。

    And yeah , he makes more money than your dad .

  6. 在派对上卖给那些钱多的富二代

    at parties with rich kids have got money to burn .

  7. 我可不挑剔,只要钱多就可以了。

    We must stand upon our dignity on any occasion .

  8. 钱多了的时候,你要那么多钱干什么呢?

    Much more money , you want so much money ?

  9. 我们赚的钱多,管它呢?

    We get paid more , so what the hell ?

  10. 妈妈,我现在挣的钱多了。

    Mother , I make much more money now .

  11. 那个人似乎钱多的不得了。

    That man seems to have heaps of money .

  12. 那笔要付的钱多了一些。

    There is a little milk in the glass .

  13. 钱多了当老板就是你的最终目的。

    To be a boss is your ultimate purpose .

  14. 他的钱多的超过了他希望的那么多。

    It was like he had money to burn .

  15. 没有比认为钱多就更幸福更荒谬的了。

    This is nowhere more ridiculous than thinking that more money , more felicity .

  16. 他钱多的象水一样,他的年薪是七位数。

    He has money to burn ; his yearly salary is in seven digits .

  17. 你知道这些钱多复杂吗?

    You know how complicated the money was ?

  18. 这说明钱多了,也可以这样说,贫困的程度减轻了。

    This means that there was more money and , presumably , less poverty .

  19. 中国游客们知道自己喜欢钱多过喜欢欧洲。

    Chinese tourists know they are more coveted for their money than loved in Europe .

  20. 那可是七钱多啊!

    That but seven moneys is many !

  21. 莉达:你花这么钱多购物,不怕会花光钱吗?

    Rita : You spend so much shopping , don 't you worry about budgeting ?

  22. 你的钱多不多?

    How are you off for money ?

  23. 那就是你需要学的地方。这并不是钱多钱少的问题。

    Never wanted much and , life didn 't disappoint him and toed the line .

  24. 钱多使人疯狂。

    Too much money make man mad .

  25. 2003年的好像比现在的零花钱多。

    And they seem to have been better off in 2003 than they are now .

  26. 不是开玩笑吧英超真是人傻钱多哥们儿

    EPL is crazy money , man .

  27. 难道现代社会的衡量标准就仅仅以钱多钱少来衡量吗?

    Does contemporary society gauge one 's achievements merely according to how much money one possesses ?

  28. 如果你(他)钱多的话,我就叫你(他)买了。

    If you ( he ) had much money , you ( he ) should buy it .

  29. 股价上涨,消费者会感觉自己钱多了,自然就会更多地出门消费。

    Rising stock prices could make consumers feel more flush , encouraging them to go out and spend .

  30. 如果她们比你挣的钱多,她们会不高兴(《社会力量》2006);

    They will be unhappy if they make more money than you do ( Social Forces , 2006 ) .