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  • 网络mountaineering accident
  1. 爬山之前最好有万全的准备,以免发生山难。

    Before climbing it is BEST to be properly prepared , in case of any mishap .

  2. 《山难》:现代版的狼来了的故事,感人肺腑的情感沟通。

    " Mountain ": a modern version of the story of the wolf is coming , the emotional communication .

  3. “巨人墙”是这座山最难攀登的一段山岩。

    Titan 's Wall is the mountain 's hardest rock climb .

  4. 这山很难爬。

    This hill is hard to climb .

  5. 矿块崩落法开采丰山铜矿难采矿体的实践

    Practice on mining difficult orebody with block caving method at Fengshan Copper Mine

  6. 尽管艾尔斯山很难到达,它却非常有名。

    Though Ayers Rock is difficult to reach , it is very famous .

  7. 对老年人来说,爬上那座山太难了。

    It 's too difficult for the old men to climb up the mountain .

  8. 这座山很难攀登,因为可利用的支撑点不多。

    It 's a difficult mountain to climb as there aren 't many holds .

  9. 啊呀,这座山好难爬啊!

    Geez , this is one tough climb !

  10. 山并不难爬,就是路长。

    The climb was not difficult but long .

  11. 这座山很难爬[爬这座山可不容易]。

    This mountain is difficult to climb / It is difficult to climb this mountain .

  12. 那座山很难爬,我们只有少数人能爬到山顶。

    Climbing that mountain was so difficult that only a few of us could make it to the top .

  13. 最高的山未必最难爬。

    It is not always the highest mountains which are the hardest to climb .

  14. 我在和平队的两年期间,就像骑马走下那座山一样既难预料,又充满回报。

    The two years I spent in the Peace Corps were as unpredictable and rewarding as the ride down that mountain .

  15. 说家像山,更重要的是一山难容二虎,一旦二虎相向,必须要恶斗以分轩轻。

    That 's like a mountain , more important is to let two tiger hill , once two tigers , must be scattered in porch light .

  16. 不管怎样,富士山太受欢迎,又容易抵达,几乎不可能封锁。攀登富士山技术上并不难,这让登山客往往忽视了它的危险。

    For better or worse , Mount Fuji is so popular and easy to reach that it is nearly impossible to cordon off . The climb is not technical , but it is deceptively arduous .